The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the February 27, 2008 meeting
At the Commons, Food Court, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order
President, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the January 23, 2008 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report – Ken Greiser reporting
The current checkbook balance is $3,478.96.
Committee Reports
YRE – DuPont – (Kathryn Kirkpatrick) 14
Juneau – (Ken Grieser) starts May 1, 2008. Ken is working with a tour group who will arrive to do the walk before it officially starts.
Kent – (Skip Probst) 9 on old trail, 24 on new trail
Maple Valley – (Carol Walsh) 17
Membership – (Marianne Bastin) 55
Sales – (Alicia Maxcy) Alicia has record books and white club polo shirts ($13.00) for sale.
Sickness/Sympathy – (Joan Grieser) Sad news of the deaths of two members was received. Steve Mackey (2/14/08) and Elayne Chambers (2/19/08). Joan called each family, sent them sympathy cards and booklets about dealing with grief. No service is planned for either Steve or Elayne.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to make arrangements to have memorial medallions added to the Volkssport memorial bench at NW Trek in memory of Bill Patten, Jack Maxcy, Steve Mackey and Elayne Chambers. Diane Wagner will check on how this will be done and the families of the above mentioned people will be notified.
AVA Checkpoint- February 2008 issue
The first filing deadline for AVA member clubs under AVA’s income tax group exemption will be 11/15/08. Additional information will be forthcoming in the Checkpoint.
NEC meeting will be March 1, in Washington DC. The following are members of the IVV Advisory Commission which will deal with the challenges with IVV: Shirley Lindberg-Chair, Nancy Stenger, Lynn Clark, Gary Silkworth, Glen Conyers, Heinz Johnson, Skip Coburn, Bob Wright, Tom Boyd, Victor Shaff, Wayne Holloway and Curt Myron.
AVA Checkpoint – March 2008 issue
The IRS has released a draft of Good Governance Practices for 501(c)(3) Organizations.
Changes to the Starting Point 2008 are now posted to the web with the help of Chris Mellen. (Thanks to our members Carol and Larry Walsh for the information they have provided on WA events.)
ESVA Meeting– The next meeting will be Sunday, April 6 in Woodland, WA at which time there will be election of officers. The Over the Hill Gang has three great candidates for office: Secretary – Chuck Garrison, Treasurer – Carol Walsh and Area Co-coordinator – Larry Walsh.
Old Business
Dupont Event – Workers are needed to sign up. Joan Grieser volunteered to call all members that have not signed up to ask for help for the Dupont Event as well as for the NW Trek Event in June. Skip Probst will finalize the bike route this weekend so the required map can be submitted to the city of Dupont. Additional insurance has been provided to the city. There will be written instructions for the walk routes and they will be available at the March 16 workers walk and at the event. Three porta potties will be ordered and the club will buy the hand sanitizers to save money. It was decided that old Dupont hat pins will be sold for $.50 and B-Awards for $1.00.
Reminder – Workers Walk Sunday, March 16 at 11 a.m. We will meet at Chloe Clark Elementary School, Dupont. Remember that there is a church service at the school on Sundays so plan to park away from the school. Pizza reward after the walk at Farrelli’s Pizza at 2 p.m.
Break for drawing $16 was collected for the drawing. Debbie Connell was the winner of $8.
New Business
Fall Event – It was decided to wait until 2009 to plan an event in Maple Valley. The discussion about a possible event in October or November, 2008, was postponed until the March meeting.
NW Trek, June 7 – A signup sheet was circulated. Most of the same trail will be used as was used by ESVA in February with some exceptions due to spotted frog propagation. A motion was made, seconded and passed to sell old hat pins for $1.00 and give B-awards free to participants 10 years old and under.
The workers walk/trail marking walk will be held on Friday, June 6.
Seattle Club Walk, May 20 – Carol Walsh is working on details with FS Family Wanderers and will keep the club undated. There is a potential problem with parking at the train stations in Tacoma and Puyallup/ no room. Diane Wagner will check on Sumner parking availability. Carol and Larry plan to do a dry run before May 20 to make sure things will go smoothly.
Good of the Order
The Daffodil Valley Volkssport Club is starting Wednesday morning walks. The first walk is March 5 in Parkland at 9 a.m. (see below)
Skip Probst and Larry Walsh did a great job on brochures! The Maple Valley start point has been moved to the men’s rest room.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
Dates to remember
3/01 – Woodinville (Interlaken)
3/08 – Milton (SeaTac)
3/14 – Kalama, fee is $3.14 (Boarder Crossers)
3/16 – Dupont Workers Walk and Pizza
3/22 – Seattle (Emerald City)
3/26 – The Over the Hill Gang Meeting/7 p.m.
3/29 – Dupont events (2 walks, bike)
Wednesday walks
3/05 – 9 a.m. at Walgreen Drug in Parkland
3/12 – 9 a.m. at Shell Station in Orting
3/19 – 9 a.m. at Chevron Station in Steilacoom
3/26 – 9 a.m. at 1st Ave S for Hyblos Wetlands/Preserve Park park on street not in driveway