Minutes of the April 23, 2008 meeting
at The Commons, Food Court, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by president, Diane Wagner. Fifteen members were present.
Welcome to new members/guests
We welcome 2 new members, Ron & Laura Thompson. (see information following minutes)
An e-mail update on JoAnn McAllister (former ESVA 2 VP) was received. Vic and JoAnn will be returning to the US (Omaha) to live.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the March 26, 2008 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Ken Greiser reported that the checkbook balance is $3,123.97.
Chuck Garrison completed the ESVA All Clubs Book. Carol and Larry Walsh completed the ESVA WA Counties Book.
Committee Reports
YRE – Dupont – (Kathryn Kirkpatrick) March, 2 credit.
Juneau – (Ken Grieser) Opens May 1. 25 have signed up to do the walk just prior to official opening.
Kent – (Skip Probst) no report.
Maple Valley – (Carol Walsh) 45 year to date.
Membership – (Marianne Bastin) 58 total. (2 new, 1 reinstated)
Sales – (Alicia Maxcy) Record books are available. Motion was made, seconded and passed to sell old hat pins for 50 cents each at the NW Trek event in June.
Sickness/Sympathy – (Joan Grieser) Bob Hellers and Theola Swann both have had surgery in the past month. Sympathy was expressed to Alicia Maxcy’s in the passing of her brother.
AVA Checkpoint – April issue
The AVA is seeking volunteers for the following:
- To give travel advice for foreign Volkssporters (Euro is stronger than dollar and more foreign walkers are coming to US to walk.)
- AVA clubs in schools
- College Level course in Volkssporting.
- AVA clubs on military bases.
Contact either Curt Myron at or Jackie Wilson at to volunteer.
ESVA meeting – April 6 – Bob Hellers, club rep. reporting.
New Officers: Bob Morrison/Pres. Fred Fisher/NW Area Coordinator
David Olszyk/1st VP Jim Buchholz/Eastern
Nancy Wittenberg/2nd VP Millie Haupt/Central
Chuck Garrison/Sec. Sue Black/W Central North
Carol Walsh/Treas. Larry Walsh/W Central South
Susan Berry/South Sound
Earl Bowen/Southwest
All bylaw changes were passed as presented at the meeting.
Participation at the Feb. NW Trek event was over 400.
Each club that hosts an ESVA meeting will now receive $200 to help with expenses.
The 25th anniversary of ESVA will be celebrated July 12, 2009. Plans are now being made.
The audit of the financial books is completed and everything is in order. Good job Carol Walsh!
A $10 late fee will be assessed for each event that has a delinquent payment. A club may make written request to ESVA Treasurer for extension of payment of fees.
The next ESVA meeting is planned for August 16 in Pullman/October 4 in Spanaway.
Bob Hellers has the reports that were submitted to the April 6 meeting for members to review.
Old Business
Dupont – Thanks to everyone who helped. Carol & Larry Walsh spent a long day at the check point. Thank you to the anonymous friend who paid for the port-a-potties. We couldn’t have done it without all the help. We appreciate all the hours spent helping make these events great. There were 296 participants. The club made a $72.00 profit. Next year a different start point may be used. Perhaps the hotel near the park and ride???
Club Trip – Carol & Larry Walsh have been working on the plans for a club bus trip to Seattle, on Sat., May 10, to do the YRE along the water front. Bus #594 will leave the Tacoma Dome Station at 9:21 a.m. We will start the walk from the Kings Street Station, which is the halfway point of the walk, and continue from there. We will leave Seattle at 4:41 p.m. Carol has detailed maps, bus schedules and information for taking the bus from a different location. Thank you Carol & Larry for the detailed planning and for taking a dry run so things will go smoothly on May 10.
Memorial Plaques – These have been ordered and should be ready and in place by the NW Trek event in June.
Club picnic – Ken Grieser has reserved a picnic shelter at Lake Wilderness Park on July 20 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Plans are to do the club’s Maple Valley YRE first then enjoy a potluck picnic following the walk. Cost to reserve the shelter is $60.00.
Break for Drawing
$14.00 was collected. Leonard Bahr won the drawing and received $7.00 and $7.00 went to the club treasurer.
New Business
The ESVA has a new banner that we will be able to use for the NW Trek event.
Good of the order
The motion was made, seconded and passed to continue the YREs and seasonal walk that are now sanctioned for 2009.
Skip Probst is checking into the possibility of an event to be held at Lake Fenwick. There will be more information at the next meeting.
The ESVA booth at the Puyallup Fair will be on Sept. 18 & 19.
The paper markers used at the Dupont event got wet and blew away. We need to use laminated markers next time. Joan & Ken Grieser and Diane Wagner will take inventory of our markers and evaluate what is needed. They will report at the next meeting.
Joan & Ken Grieser are the first recipients of the Mystery member incentive. Congratulations!
Larry & Carol Walsh have information about lodging, area YRE walks, etc. for those who are interested in attending the August 16, 2008 state meeting and walk in Pullman. They encourage as many as possible to participate to support the small sponsoring club.
Adjournment New members
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. THOMPSON, Ron & Laura
6643 Millstone Ln SE #103
Dates to remember Lacey, WA 98513
Apr 25-27 Discovery walks in Vancouver (360) 918-3025
May 3 Interlaken in Kirkland (Ron)
4 Bloomsday event in Spokane (Laura)
4 Capitol in Littlerock
9-11 Bavarian in Leavenworth
10 All Weather Walkers in Yacolt
10 Club bus trip
17 Olympic Peninsula in Pt. Townsend
21 Club meeting at 7 p.m.
Wednesday walks starting at 9 a.m.
May 7 Puyallup
14 North Bend
21 Buckley
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary