The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the May 28, 2008 meeting
at The Commons, Food Court, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by president, Diane Wagner. Ten members were present.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the April 23, 2008 meeting as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report
Ken Greiser reported that the checkbook balance is $3,314.97.
Chuck Garrison completed 650 events. Be sure to send in completed IVV books for recognition in the American Wanderer.
Committee Reports
YRE – DuPont – (Kathryn Kirkpatrick) – no report
Juneau – (Ken Grieser) – 28
Kent – (Skip Probst) – 35 (old walk), 41 (new walk)
Maple Valley – (Carol Walsh) – no report
Membership – (Marianne Bastin) Total membership is 58. Membership dues should be paid in June. Families $10, individuals $5.00. Send payment to Marianne Bastin, 10310 – 67th Ave. E., Puyallup, WA 98373-1131. Please make checks payable to TOTHG.
Sales – (Alicia Maxcy) No report.
Sickness/Sympathy – (Joan Grieser) No report.
Old Business
NW Trek – Marilyn Viola reported that workers are still needed for the walk on June 7. Several people have agreed to work extra shifts to make up for lack of volunteers. If you haven’t signed up and can work, please contact Marilyn and let her know.
Club Picnic – July 20 at Lake Wilderness Park – We’ll walk first then eat! Diane Wagner will send out an e-mail with additional information. She will need to know how many plan to come. No one came to the bus trip to Seattle and few contacted Carol Walsh to let her know.
Break for Drawing – No drawing was held.
New Business
Christmas party – The consensus of those present was to plan a Christmas party for either Dec. 7 or 14 and to again support the Federal Way Food Bank with donations. Joan Grieser will check with the Black Bear Restaurant to see if either of those dates is open.
Club elections – Elections for club officers will be held at the June 25 meeting. Theola Swann is the nomination committee. Contact her if you are interested in running for an office.
DuPont 2009 – The question was should we continue to offer a bike event at the Club event in March. In 2008 there were only 9 bike participants but they had very good comments on the route. It was agree to offer the bike part of the event one more year and see if there is any improvement in participation. It was suggested that the finish time should be extended until 1 p.m. to give those who want to walk and bike enough time to complete.
Reminder regarding AVA Challenges – To close in 2008: American Revolution, College Campus and Lighthouse USA. To close in 2009: Cemetery Stroll, Great Lakes, US Presidents, Walking Courthouses, Walking Europe and Walking USA State Parks.
Good of the Order Skip Probst submitted a new, additional walk route for the Kent area. It would be near Lake Fenwick. It will be discussed at a future meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
Dates to remember:
June 7 – Over the Hill Gang/NW Trek
June 12-15 – Gorge Events
June 15 – Northwest Striders/North Bend
June 21 – Evergreen Wanderers/Tacoma (New Narrows Bridge)
June 21 – Emerald City Wanderers/Seattle night walk
June 25 – Club meeting
Wednesday walks @ 9 a.m.
June 4 – Kent
June 11 – Federal Way- meet at Aquatic Center
June 18 – Centralia
June 25 – Nisqually
Thursday evening walks @ 6 p.m.
June 5 – Shelton
June 12 – no walk
June 19 – Steilacoom (historic)
New club roster information: