The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the January 28, 2009 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. S, #101, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by president, Diane Wagner. Attendance: 15.
Brochures have been received from Capitol Volkssport Club and Walking Adventures about upcoming events. A letter was received from Sam Korff concerning his candidacy for Northwest Regional Director.
Minutes of the November 28, 2008 meeting
Copies of the minutes were made available at this meeting.
Treasurer’s Report – Ken Grieser
The checkbook balance is $3,122.07.
Larry Walsh – 325 events, 3000k
Chuck Garrison – 850 events, 13,000k
Pat Patterson – 6,700 events, 100,000k
Chuck Garrison – Washington Health Foundation winner
Committee Reports
YRE – Dupont – 1
Kent – Green River trail – 3 (credit)
City walk – 5 (credit)
Lake Fenwick – 0
Maple Valley – 4
Membership – Marianne Bastin
42 paid, 6 honorary/lifetime – 48 total
Sales – no report
Sickness/Sympathy – Joan Grieser
Joan recently had cataract surgery
AVA Checkpoint
December 2008 – AVA no longer has a 1-800 number.
January 2009 – Convention registration is being prepared. Bob & Betty Hellers will be delegate/alternate for TOTHG.
AVA meeting Feb. 27/28 in Tucson, AZ
Agenda items:
1. Create category of ‘affiliate club’ with no voting rights, they will be able to sponsor once-per-year fund raising events (including fraternal, health & wellness-related organizations, PTA’s, chambers of commerce). Aimed at AARP. TOTHG advises a yes vote.
2. Appoint a National Trailmaster – primary responsibility for event handbook, oversight over the quality of traditional and self-guided AVA events, participates with AVA Training Committee to implement, operate a certification program for AVA Trailmasters, administer the testing and certification of trailmasters (including periodic recertification) promotes recognition of local trailmasters. TOTHG advises a no vote.
3. Housekeeping regarding terms of office (would be able to serve until not re-elected). TOTHG advises that there should be term limits.
4. NEC will consider Special Event Program proposals only at fall, winter or spring meetings. Proposals not to begin until January 1. TOTHG advises a yes vote.
ESVA meeting 1/24/09
All the following motions passed:
1. Host club to get $200 toward expenses to host ESVA meeting.
2. Northwest Pathfinder will be recognized as a primary publicity medium for promoting Volkssporting to the community.
3. ESVA will pay for promotional copies of the NWP when properly requested and approved (submit written request to Pres. and First VP., written form provided).
4. NWP Committee has the authority to determine the style, content and frequency of YRE information. (They don’t want YRE information in every issue.)
5. Both state associations will charge their clubs thirty cents per paid participant. If expenses exceed income, and if justified by financial statements of operation, the state associations will fund the shortfall proportionate to the total number of copies of the NWP received by ESVA and OTSVA during the most recent 12 month period.
6. ESVA should withdraw from the joint Pathfinder agreement with Oregon or per walker fee paid to ESVA should be reduced to fifteen cents per credit or award walker. Motion withdrawn.
Next ESVA meeting in Yakima 4/4/09 will have option for YRE walks/ no sanctioned events.
Old Business
Christmas Party – Party was cancelled in Dec. due to snow. The party will be held at the Feb. 25 meeting at Round Table Pizza. There will be no gift exchange but donations will be accepted for the Federal Way Food Bank. The motion was made, seconded and passed to give the amount of money that the club would have spent for the Christmas Party to the Federal Way Food Bank.
Starting Point – These have arrived. Cost is $18.00 for club members.
Break for drawing – $15.00 was collected. Marilyn Viola/ Mel Desmarais won $7.50, $7.50 went to the club.
New Business
Dupont event March 28 – A sign up list was passed around at the club meeting. There will be a worker’s walk on Sunday, March 15 at 9 a.m. Meet in the parking lot behind the Chloe Clark Elementary School.
It was suggested that walkers be given flyers to give to Dupont vendors that says “I’m here because of the Volkswalk”.
Good of the Order – Motion was made, seconded and passed to give club’s excess hat pins to children participants at the NW Trek Event in June.
Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin
Dates to remember
Feb. 21/22 – Northwest Trek event (4+)
Feb. 25 – club meeting
Feb. 28 – Woodinville (Interlaken)