The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of June 23, 2010 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. C., Federal Way, WA
Call to Order Meeting was called to order by club president, Diane Wagner, at 7 p.m.
Thirteen members attended.
Milestones Thanks to all club members for helping at NW Trek. Our numbers may have not been as high as we hoped. We consider this a public service to Volkssporting and NW Trek and that proved successful.
Minutes from May 26, 2010 meeting Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by secretary, Marianne Bastin.
Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser, treasurer, reported that the checkbook balance is $2,824.91. He has money to deposit. The bill came from the Steilacoom School District for use of Chloe Clark School during the Dupont event. At $170 it was reduced from last year.
Committee Reports
Year Round Events (number of participants) Points of contacts were reminded to remove the plus from the stamp on July 1.
Auburn/White River Trail – 48 (YTD)
Dupont –
Boyhood Memories – 31 (YTD)
Historical – 39 (YTD)
Juneau – no report (there have been many internet inquiries)
Kent –
City – 4 (June)
Green River Trail – 7 (June)
Lake Fenwick – 6 (June)
Maple Valley – no report
Membership Marianne Bastin reported that club membership is 47. Total number of members who have paid 6/2010-6/2011 dues (including honorary and life members) is 24. Remember to update your address, telephone and e-mail address with Marianne as changes occur. Members who have not yet paid dues will be notified.
Sales Alicia Maxcy has record books and club polo shirts for sale.
Sickness/Sympathy Joan Grieser reported that she sent a card to Leonard Bahr.
ESVA meeting The following items will be on the agenda July 24:
- Publicity committee wants to generate a new common brochure to cover both ESVA and OTSVA. Funding coming from both ESVA and OTSVA.
- Interlaken wants the NWP to be put online.
- Sharon Moats wants systems developed to have brochures at all events. (Area coordinators could be in charge of this.)
- Drop ESVA meetings to one annual meeting plus occasional Special Meetings. This would require a bylaw change which could not be done until the second quarter of 2011.
Old Business
NW Trek This was a success thanks to Marilyn Viola and club volunteers. The suggestion for the donation jar label was a success. People were generous since the donations went to NW Trek. The NW Regional Director stamp was there while Sam Korff was walking.
Paid walkers – 85, free walkers – 212 for a total of 297.
Total received – $199.00 (includes $120.00 from donation jar)
Motion was made, seconded and passed to give $150.00 to NW Trek. Event expenses will be paid out of the remainder.
Group walk /Picnic Motion was made, seconded and passed to hold the club walk/picnic on July 25. Motion was made, seconded and passed to start the walk at 9 a.m. Motion was made, seconded and passed to walk the SeaTac trail proposed to become a new YRE.
Break for drawing $12.00 was collected. Debbie Connell won $6.00. $6.00 went to the club.
New Business
Election of officers Thank you to Alicia Maxcy for calling club members to ask for volunteers to run for office.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to elect the candidates as follows:
President – Diane Wagner
Vice President – Richard Heasty (Rich is willing to be in-training for Vice President with a lot of help from experienced club members.)
Treasurer – Ken Greiser
Secretary – Marianne Bastin
Good of the order
Ken and Joan Greiser asked for permission to start planning a trail for a YRE to begin in 2011. The trail would be in Federal Way and would not overlap other Federal Way YRE’s. A start point might be the Community Center. Authorization was given to begin this project.
Diane reminded members to thank businesses and take time to purchase items at YRE start points.
Meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
Dates to remember
July 24 – Interlaken Trailblazers in Renton ESVA state meeting
24 – Capitol Volkssport in Tumwater
28 – The Over the Hill Gang meeting / 7 p.m.