September 22nd 2010 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the September 22, 2010 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. C., Federal Way, WA


Call to Order  Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by club president, Diane Wagner.  Twelve members were present.  Guest, Katie, friend of Dorothy Bahr, was welcomed.

Correspondence  E-mail from Jerry Williams of Evergreen Wanderers (see New Business)

Milestones  Pat Patterson – 7000 events
Cheryl Patterson – 40,000k

Minutes from July 28, 2010 meeting  Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by the secretary.

Treasurer’s Report  Ken Grieser reported that the checkbook balance is $3,284.51.  Chase bank is still adding excessive charges to the account.  A motion was made, seconded and passed to authorize Ken to find a different bank with an account better for the club’s use.

Committee Reports
Year Round Events
 (number of participants YTD)
Auburn/White River Trail – no report
Dupont –
Boyhood Memories – 67
Historical – 52
Juneau – 94
Kent –
City – 62
Green River Trail – 51
Lake Fenwick – 31
Maple Valley – no report

Membership Marianne Bastin reported that there are 34 members (paid, honorary & lifetime).  Unpaid members were dropped as of 8-31-10.

Sales Alicia Maxcy reported that she has record books for sale.

Sickness/Sympathy Joan Grieser reported the good news that she has nothing to report.

Old Business  The Federal Way YRE is sanctioned to begin in January 2011.  The SeaTac YRE will not be sanctioned.  The walkers doing the worker’s walk had concerns about the trail.  (Writing walking directions was next to impossible and the trail had some remote spots that caused concern for lone walkers.)  Thank you to Ken and Joan Grieser who did an outstanding job finding walk routes for both trails.

Break for drawing  $12.00 was collected.  Dorothy Bahr won $6.00.  $6.00 went to the club.  Ken Grieser won 2 donated tickets to the Puyallup Fair.

New Business
Proposal by The Evergreen Wanderers Volkssport Club

The Evergreen Wanderers club is planning an annual event to be held in Dupont which will not include the trail to the beach but will overlap TOTHG’s other YREs. They are asking if TOTHG would like to partner with them in working this event.  The proceeds from this event would be donated to the Historical Society of Dupont.
Motion was made and seconded to not partner with Evergreen Wanderers with their planned annual event in Dupont.  Discussion addressed the issue of not having enough members who could help.  Motion was passed.

Christmas Party  Dorothy and Leonard Bahr offered to host a potluck Christmas Party in their home.  Date will be decided at the October meeting.

AVA meeting October 1&2 in Albany, NY  Motions to be discussed:
1.  IVV event stamp may be entered in event book each time the participant completes event (even on YRE).  Motion made, seconded and passed by TOTHG to vote yes.
2. Send award with letter thanking participant who have not completed challenge by end date.  Letter will encourage participant to complete challenge.  Motion made, seconded and passed by TOTHG to vote no.
3.  A sanction request must be completed for each route (5k/10k/15k). Motion made, seconded and passed by TOTHG to vote no.
4.  Minimum distance for bicycle events reduced from 25K to 20 K.  Short distance to be reduced from 13k to 10k.  Motion made, seconded and passed by TOTHG to vote no.
Diane Wagner will notify the Regional Directors of our feelings on the motions.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary

Dates to remember
October  16 – Daffodil Valley/ Orting Event
23 –  FS Family Wanderers/Seattle Event
27 – The Over the Hill Gang meeting 7 p.m.