The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the March 23, 2011 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. C., Federal Way, WA
Call to Order Club president, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Thirteen members were present.
Welcome New member, Mary Clingan, was introduced.
Correspondence AVA Convention registration pamphlets have been received.
Pat Patterson – 7,500 events
Shirley Lindberg – 3,000 events
Debbie Connell – Recently retired now enjoying new employment at Emerald Downs.
Minutes from February 23, 2011 meeting Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by the secretary.
Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser reported that the checkbook balance is $2,697.75. He has a bill outstanding and some money to deposit.
Community Reports
Year Round Events (number of participants YTD)
Auburn/White River Trail – no report
Dupont –
Boyhood Memories – no report
Historical – no report
Federal Way – 14 (there is now a 6K route available)
City – no report
Green River Trail – no report
Lake Fenwick – no report
Maple Valley – 13
Membership Marianne Bastin reported that the membership is 36 (paid, honorary & lifetime).
Sales Alicia Maxcy has supplies for the Dupont event and club polo shirts (see her for sizes).
Sickness/Sympathy Joan Grieser reported that Ken Grieser will have a pacemaker implanted on March 30.
AVA The convention will be held in Iowa June 18-26, 2011 (Des Moines area).
There will be an election of officers with the following in the running:
President – Wayne Holloway and Heinz Johnson
Vice President – Becky Forsythe and Marvin Stokes
Secretary – Bonnie Johnson and Jesse Miller
Treasurer – Chris Mellen, Bob Morrison and Annette Tollett
NW Regional Director – Sam Korff
If no club members are going to attend the convention a proxy will have to be chosen. Motion was made, seconded and passed to ask Shirley Lindberg to represent the club if she is planning to attend and if she is not ask Sue Black (not a member of the club) to act as a proxy.
ESVA Next meeting will be in Chelan on June 11. This will be the annual meeting.
Old Business The Dupont event is Saturday, March 26. Many thanks to Joan Grieser for contacting members to fill all the worker needs. If you can work a longer shift of haven’t signed up and want to help you will be most welcome.
Completed: maps are printed
Porta-potty ordered
IVV stamps are here
Brochures telling about AVA are ready
Break for drawing $14.00 was collected. Lottie Kinney won $7.00 and $7.00 went to the club.
New Business
Change of start location for YRE: Queen Ann Top of the Hill now starts across the street from Ken’s Market at Bustle Café (the route is the same).
Temporary change for Anacortes/Guemes Island walk: Beginning 3-28 to sometime in May while ferry landing is under construction. Catch the ferry at Cap Sante Marina (ferry ride will be free during this period). Start location remains the same.
Club event Does the club want to have another event sometime this year to replace NW Trek? Give suggestions to Diane Wagner.
Rental storage Ken Grieser asked if anyone would be willing to provide storage for the small amount of club items (used for events). The storage fees are now costing the club $400.00 a year. Diane Wagner volunteered space. Things will be moved before the next storage payment is due.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Dates to Remember
April 9 Vancouver Discovery Walk (1 walk, 1 bike, 2 swims)
April 16 Puyallup – Daffodil Valley 25th anniversary walk
April 23 Seattle – Easter Walk (possibly last time due to issues in Seattle for walking)
April 27 club meeting 7 p.m.