The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
February 23, 2010
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. C., #101, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by president, Diane Wagner. Twelve members were present.
Correspondence The latest AARP magazine featured an article about walking which mentioned Volkssports.
AVA president, Curt Myron, wrote that there is a possibility that AVA may partner with Weight Watchers.
Milestones Chuck Garrison once again won the Health Challenge for Washington State.
Minutes Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the January 27, 2010 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser provided the following report: check book balance is $1822.75.
Committee Reports
Year Round Events (number of participants)
Auburn/White River Trail – 10
Dupont – 20
Kent – no report for City, Green River, or Lake Fenwick trails
Maple Valley – no report
Membership Marianne Bastin reported that the club has 43 members.
Sales Alicia Maxcy reported that she has club polo shirts for $13. She has ordered extra books and start cards for the Dupont Event.
Sickness/Sympathy no report
Old Business
Sea-Tac Route This has been firmed up thanks to the Griesers. This is to be a sanctioned event. Ninety days is the lead time for sanctioning which means sometime after June 1, 2010.
Dupont Events on 3-27-2010 The routes are done thanks to Bill Stewart. There will be no workers walk. Trail marking help is needed.
The Seasonal walk begins April 1. The trail is still closed due to a wash out. Motion was made, seconded and passed to do the historic event route in reverse for the Seasonal walk. There will be a slight overlap with the current YRE.
ESVA meeting 1-30-2010 The annual meeting is April 10 in Spokane with election of officers. Candidates are: Dave Olszyk – President, Mike Nagen- First VP, Nancy Wittenberg*-Second VP, Bonnie Tucker-Secretary, Nancy Regan*-Treasurer. Our Area Coordinator, Fran Carson, is running again. (*incumbent)
The decision concerning the Northwest Pathfinder is that each club will get 5 copies for publicity or up to 25 copies for each event. Additional copies may be purchased at approximately $1 each (effective 7-1-2010).
Break for drawing $10 was collected, Leonard Bahr won $5 and $5 went to the club treasury.
New Business
AVA Meeting The following motions will be considered at the March meeting:
1. Voluntary trail master certification/Sam Korff. (Members of TOTHG need more information before making a recommendation concerning this motion. What will be needed for certification?)
2. Change the name of AVA to American Association of Popular Sports/Dave Olszyk. (Members of TOTHG do not support this change.)
3. Add a new category of event – hike/Dave Olsyk. (Members of TOTHG are opposed to this motion.)
4. Require helmets on bikes/skates. (Members of TOTHG support this motion.)
Diane Wagner will advise the NW Regional Director of the club’s preference by March 1.
Other Business A question was raised about liability when bicycle clubs not associated with AVA piggyback on Volkssport Events.
Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
Dates to remember
March 20 Daffodil Valley/Puyallup
March 24 The Over the Hill Gang meeting 7 p.m.
March 27 The Over the Hill Gang Dupont events