October 28th 2009 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
October 28, 2009
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. S., #101, Federal Way, WA

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by president, Diane Wagner, at 7 p.m. Thirteen members were present.

Minutes Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the September 23, 2009 meeting as submitted.

Treasurers Report Ken Grieser reported that the checkbook balance is $2,352.94. All bills are paid to date.

Milestones Diane Wagner finished her Island book and Church book while in Pennsylvania.

AVA Checkpoint (November) The next NEC meeting will be 11-13 & 14 in Orlando, FL. On the agenda will be 3 motions:

1. Clubs that conduct YREs and Seasonals with the same renewal requests may retain the stamp instead of mailing it back to AVA headquarters.

2. Clubs with remote start points for YREs can use mail or e-mail registration (waiver and fees must be received prior to sending maps).

3. Clubs will report after-action electronically for participation for events. Event stamps and payment requirements remain.

ESVA Meeting  (October meeting)   This was a lively meeting regarding the Northwest Pathfinder.  No vote on this matter until the January 30, 2010 meeting in Vancouver, WA.  The e-mail was sent as instructed by the club concerning our wishes in regard to the NWP.
October is AARP month for Volkssporting.  Clubs with events were able to offer AARP members that showed cards free new walker packets.  Clubs were to be reimbursed by ESVA for the cost of packets.
Elections will be held in 2010.  Bob Morrison (will not be running for re-election) is asking for someone to serve on the nominating committee.  Nominations for president, 1st vice-president, secretary and several area coordinators are needed.

Committee Reports
Year Round Events  
(number of participants)
Dupont   88
Kent   (City, Green River, Lake Fenwick) no report. Trails may need to be reconfigured due to flood preparations along the Green River.
Maple Valley 66
Juneau   105  Thanks to Ken and Joan Grieser for their efforts to obtain new start locations, plus their efforts over the years to maintain the walk. The new starting point will be The Fudge Company.  Walk directions will need little changes.

Membership – Marianne Bastin reported that the club has 43 members.

Sickness/Sympathy   There will be a memorial walk for Tina Gerard Oct. 31 at 10 a.m. at Mercer Island (Albertsons start point).  Sue Black recently had surgery for a brain tumor and is undergoing chemo therapy.  Neither of these ladies are members of TOTHG but some of our members probably knew/know both.

Old Business
SeaTac route report
  The route has been wheeled 3 times trying to get 10 km. Recommendation is to use the trail for an event. Ken & Joan Grieser and Skip Probst are working on this project.

Dupont bike route Diane Wagner drove the route and found it OK to use as a Seasonal event.

Squalichew Creek route This has not yet been checked for a possible seasonal in Dupont or a third route to use in March. It would probably need to be rated a 3 if used. Ads are due in December. Bill Steward is the trail master for the March Dupont Event.

2010 AVA Starting Points Club cost is $15.00 each. Need to order by Nov. 2.

Christmas Party The club Christmas Party will be held on Wed., Dec. 9, 7 p.m. the Round Table Pizza (club meeting place). Please bring food/money for donation to the Federal Way Food Bank.

Break for drawing $12.00 was collected. Dauna Perry won the drawing and received $6.00.  $6.00 went to the club.

New Business
Elections in 2010
 Be thinking about which position in TOTHG you want to run for in 2010. We also will need a nomination committee person.

Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary

Dates to remember

No club meeting in November   Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov. 28        Turkey Trot in Edmonds (Sound Steppers)
Dec. 5          Christmas night walk (Capitol)
Dec. 9         TOTHG Christmas Party 7 p.m. Round Table Pizza bring food/money for Food Bank