The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
September 23, 2009
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. S., #101, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by president, Diane Wagner. Ten members were present.
Correspondence Information was received about the Great Columbia Crossing event hosted by OSTVA on Oct. 4. Must register by Sept. 30.
Minutes Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the July 22, 2009 meeting as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser reported that the checkbook balance is $2,457.54.
Milestones Chuck Garrison submitted an article to The American Wanderer published on cover of the Oct/Nov issue. Bill Stewart – 900 events. Chuck Garrison – 1050 events & 17,000 km.
AVA Checkpoint AVA is requesting a volunteer for Coordinator for AVA Clubs in School Projects. The contact persons are: Curt Myron, AVA President () or Jackie Wilson (). Also requested are volunteers for AVA committees. The contact person is Curt Myron at .
ESVA meeting October 10 in Seattle. No one from TOTHG can be there so Diane will request that Eleanor Bogart act as proxy representative.
Committee Reports (3rd quarter is over – event counts are due by Oct. 10 to Ken Grieser)
Year Round Events (number of participants)
Dupont – 82
Kent – (City) – 63
(Green River) – 51
(Lake Fenwick) – 46
Maple Valley – 50+ at time of club picnic August 23.
Juneau – 76 The start point is closing. Ken Grieser will stop in Juneau in Oct. and try to line up another start point.
Membership Marianne Bastin reported that the club has 42 members at this time.
Old Business
YREs These have been submitted. We are now waiting for the Starting Point to be published.
Club picnic on August 23 was a success. The weather cooperated, the trail was good, and we had plenty of food.
AVA “Year Pins” In answer to the question raised at the July meeting these pins are meant to be awarded for years of service rather than years of Volkssporting.
Break for drawing $9.00 was collected. Marianne Bastin won $4.50 and $4.50 went to the club treasury.
New Business
Dupont event The traditional sanction date would be March 27, 2010. The Liberty Inn has quoted us a price less than the Steilacoom School District for the rent of Chloe Clark School. We would be across from the Park/Ride which would eliminate the parking problems we have had in past years. Motion was made, seconded and passed to us the Liberty Inn in Dupont as the start point of the event on March 27, 2010.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to drop the bike portion of the Dupont event on March 27, 2010 due to very small participation rate.
There is a possibility of a third trail down Squalichew Creek to the water. The challenge would be a check point. This will be checked out. This route could become a seasonal event beginning 4/1/10.
We will vote on having a seasonal bike event at Dupont at the October meeting. Diane will drive the old route to see if it will still work.
NW Trek event Motion was made, seconded and passed to sanction this event June 5, 2010. Capital Volkssport Club has a sanctioned event also on this date. That club has been contacted to work on a joint event brochure.
ESVA meeting in Oct.
Volunteers are needed for the ESVA Nomination Committee for elections in 2010.
A request will be made to have the ESVA agenda and minutes posted to the web site. Some people have had trouble opening attachments sent to them for upcoming meetings.
There will be a proposal to reduce the number of copies clubs receive of the NW Pathfinder to 5 per club and 10 for events. (We sold 18 New Walker Packets at NW Trek event in June. Three new walkers would not have received a NW Pathfinder. None would have been available for the event. There is a generic brochure available for clubs to place at events and other locations. Clubs may print this out. It is in color and looks nice, but there is nothing about upcoming events, YREs etc.) Additional copies of NWP may be requested, but clubs must pay full cost themselves. Also, new walkers will receive 3 free copies of the NWP . (Clubs to print out the form themselves.)
Motion was made, seconded and passed to vote against the above proposal regarding the NW Pathfinder.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to have Diane Wagner inform the ESVA President that we want at least 100 copies of the NW Pathfinders per club per issue.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to ask for 50 additional copies of the NW Pathfinder per event.
Trail in SeaTac Could the trail that Skip Probst laid out be used as a seasonal event to start April 1, 2010? Ken and Joan Grieser will contact Skip to get more information.
Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
10-28 Club meeting at 7:00 p.m.
12-09 Club Christmas party at Round Table Pizza meeting place