March 25th 2009 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the March 25, 2009 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. S, #101, Federal Way, WA

Call to order  Club president, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Fifteen members were present.

Correspondence  A letter from Wayne Holloway, candidate for AVA vice president, was received.  At this time there is 1 person running for each of the AVA offices including the position of regional director.

Minutes of the February 25, 2009 meeting  Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the minutes as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report  Treasurer Ken Grieser reported the checkbook balance is $3,061.68.

Milestones  Chuck Garrison – 14,000km
Bill Stewart has purchased a new home in Aberdeen.

Committee Reports
Year Round Events – Maple Valley 14 walkers year to date
No report from Dupont or the 3 Kent walks
Membership – 53  (Tim & Tina Freeman have been reinstated.)

Sales – Alicia Maxcy has club shirts and record books for sale.

Sickness/Sympathy – Joan Grieser has sent a sympathy card to Charles and Cheryl Patterson.  Cheryl’s mother recently passed away.  She also has sent one get well card.  Ken Grieser has some health concerns and is waiting for test results.

AVA  Meeting
No information has been received from the February meeting in Arizona.
John Ferguson, AVA vice president, passed away in March.
Delegate forms have been received.
At this time there is 1 person only running for each of the AVA offices including the position of regional director.  Clubs will vote on the regional director prior to the convention.

ESVA Meeting
Meeting will be held April in Yakima.  There will be a vote asking to authorize $2,000 more to get the  ESVA web site operating.  If the vote passes a total of $5,000 will be available for the web site.
Some AVA candidates will be at the meeting to present themselves and answer questions.

Old Business
Dupont – Workers walk was snowed out.  Marilyn Viola and Diane Wagner did the 5 km, walking conditions was very slippery.
Trail marking will be March 27 at 2:30 p.m.
Two porta potties have been rented from NW Cascade at the cost of $230.00.
Printed directions will be available for both the walk and bike events.

NW Trek June 6 – An ad has been submitted for print in the Northwest Pathfinder.  Chuck Garrison is the contact person.

Break for drawing – $14.00 was collected.  Bob Hellers won $7.00. $7.00 went to club.

New Business  The members present decided to plan a club picnic to be held in July or August at Maple Valley.  More information will be available later in the year.

Adjournment  Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary

Dates to remember
April – 22 TOTHG club meeting 7 p.m.
4/24 – 4/26  Discovery events in Vancouver, USA

Club roster updates
Burroughs, Carol   (new e-mail) 

Add:  Freeman, Tim & Tina
Twaites, Tyler, Mathew &  Alyssa
PO Box 25060
Scott AFB, IL 62225