The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the February 25, 2009 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. S., #101, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order
Club president, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Eight members attended. Charles “Pat” Patterson, longtime member who lives in Germany, attended the meeting while he was visiting in the area.
Pamphlets for the AVA convention were available.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the January 28, 2009 meeting as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – Ken Greiser reported that the current checkbook balance is $3,061.68.
Committee Reports
YRE – Dupont – 12 walkers
Kent – no report
Maple Valley – 10 walkers
Membership – Marianne Bastin reported there are 48 members.
Sales – Alicia Maxcy has event and distance books and club white polo shirts.
Sickness/Sympathy – Joan Grieser reported that Theola Swann had foot surgery recently.
AVA Board of Directors meeting will be held February 27/28 in Tucson, AZ.
ESVA The next meeting will be on April 4 in Yakima. No sanctioned event is planned. YRE’s will be available.
Thank you Diane Wagner thanked club members for the donation of food and money for the Federal Way Food Bank. $200 was donated from the club’s treasury.
Starting Points Three are available at $18 each.
Old Business TOTHG Dupont event will be held on March 28. Applications are in and walk routes should be firmed up in time for the workers walk on March 15, 9 a.m. It was decided to have only water at the checkpoint and no other refreshments. Joan Grieser volunteered to call members to ask for helpers.
Break for drawing – no drawing was held.
New Business – There were many changes in the route at the NW Trek event on February 21/22. Dead, dying or diseased trees have been taken down resulting in a new look to the park. NW Trek now qualifies for Fire Station (District 15, station 3) challenge.
Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
Dates to remember
March – 14 Kalama – Border Crossers (cost $3.14)
15 Dupont workers walk @ 9 a.m. Meet at parking lot in back of school
22 Vancouver – Vancouver USA
25 Club meeting 7 p.m.
28 Dupont event