The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the September 26, 2007 meeting
at the Algona-Pacific Library, 255 Ellingson Rd, Algona, WA
Call to Order
Diane Wagner, club president, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 11 members attended.
Correspondence/AVA Checkpoint
The new IRS reporting rules for non-profit organizations is still unclear as it would apply to Volkssport clubs. The AVA will update clubs as information is available.
Where is AVA? Each issue of The American Wanderer will feature a picture of the back of someone wearing the AVA Jacket somewhere in the world. Guess where the picture was taken and have a chance to win an AVA Jacket.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the August 22, 2007 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report – Ken Greiser reporting
The current checkbook balance is $4437.52 with no outstanding debts.
Dorothy Bahr – AVA Service Award, Larry Walsh – 275 events, Chuck Garrison – 425 events, Carol Walsh – 750 events, Betty Hellers – 2100 events, Marianne Bastin – 7000 km
Committee Reports
YRE – DuPont – (8/24-9/07) 1 bike, 12 walkers (2 free, 10 credit)
Juneau – Ken & Joan are in Juneau closing out the event and setting up for next year Kent – no report
Maple Valley – no report
Membership – Marianne Bastin reported a total of 56 members (includes 3 honorary; and 2 lifetime). An updated membership roster has been completed and sent out to members. There is a loss of 17 members (9 families did not respond to letter sent out reminding them to pay club dues which totaled 16 members. 1 member asked to withdraw.)
Sales – no report
Sickness/Sympathy – A card was sent to Diane Wagner due to the death of her nephew.
ESVA Meeting – Bob Hellers reporting
The meeting was held at the Newcastle walk on Sept. 22. Twenty-four clubs were represented. ESVA treasurer reported $41,224.13. Both Washington and Oregon state organizations voted to merge publications – WA Pathfinder and OR NW Walking. A merger meeting will be held in October. Walkers are urged to join Washington Health Foundation’s Healthiest State in the Nation Campaign by logging their miles. Next ESVA meeting is in Leavenworth on 1/19/08.
Old Business
Dupont – Bill Stewart has a new job and works most weekends. He may be requesting help with trails and the bike route. There will be written directions in addition to trail markings for next year’s event.
Girl Scout weekend – The Griesers & Hellers will help with the walk on Oct. 13 in Dupont. The trail will be marked on Oct. 12 at 2 p.m.
Christmas party – This will be held on Dec. 2 at 5 p.m. at Black Bear restaurant in Federal Way (formerly CoCo’s). A sample menu was provided for information only. Carol Walsh will prepare a list of choices. It was decided that The Federal Way Food Bank will be the recipient of our donated food and cash gifts as this will benefit more families than giving all our donations to just one family.
Break for drawing There was no drawing.
Presentation of AVA award – by Shirley Lindberg
Jack Maxcy was posthumously awarded one of the AVA President’s Awards at the AVA Convention held in June. Shirley presented the award to Alicia Maxcy.
New Business
Because The Filling Station Restaurant has closed leaving TOTHG without a meeting place, Diane Wagner will make arrangements for us to reserve the meeting room at the Algona-Pacific library for club meetings in Oct. and Nov.
Good of the Order
A thank you note has been received from the Girl Scouts for the donation we made following the NW Trek walk. Chip Heinz, NW Trek visitor Service Manager and honorary club member verbally thanked the club for their donation. Our donation plus donations given as a memorial for Jack Maxcy will be combined and used to purchase animal medical equipment for NW Trek.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
Dates to remember
9/29 FS Family Wanders @Carkeek Park
Palouse Hills @ Clarkston
10/06 Vancouver USA @ Salmon Creek Greenway
Olympic Peninsula Explorers @ Kinetic Skulpture event in Pt Townsend
10/07 NW Tulip Trekkers @ Bellingham marathon
10/13-14 Four Plus at Lake Easton (2 events)
10/20 Lilac City @ Liberty Lake
10/24 Club meeting
Correction to the membership roster:
JAMES, Paul & Kyle
(206) 819-9955