February 28th, 2006
Held at Round Table Pizza, Auburn, Washington
Club President Skip Probst called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm.
There were 16 members in attendance.
There minutes were approved with the following corrections: None
Ken Grieser reported a bank balance of $3,918.00
KENT YRE: Dixie Inabnit-Walkers to date: 20
DUPONT YRE: Elayne Chambers – Walkers to date: 7, Bike 1
JUNEAU YRE: Seasonal is closed for the season Opens May 18th, 2006.
SALES: Alicia Maxcy said there are club shirts available and Dupont hatpins (500 were ordered)
MEMBERSHIP: Marianne Bastin was not in attendance, but there are 70 paid members with two honorary members and three lifetime members for a total of 75.
SICKNESS & SYMPATHY: Joan Grieser reported that she sent a sympathy card to Elaine Ward for the recent death of her husband Lynn Ward.
Carol Walsh reported that Diane Wagner was at Northwest Trek to inform people who came to walk that the walk had been cancelled due to the wind storm.
The Northwest Conference will be held in Seaside, OR on July 20th through the 23rd in Seaside Oregon.
Candidates for the position of officers of the Evergreen State Volkssport Association are: President – Curt Myron,
1st Vice President – Diane Wagner,
2nd Vice President – Bill Stewart,
Secretary – Carolyn Warhol,
Treasurer – Carol Walsh.
Regional Coordinators
Southwest area – Susan Berry
West Central North area – Sue Black
West Central South area – Fran Carson.
Northwest areas – Fred Fisher,
Central area – Millie Haupt.
East area – George Withers.
The ESVA Clubs contributed $4000 to the Hurricane Katrina Fund. (Added note from your President: THE OVER THE HILL GANG donated $500 of this. Thank You Gang)
The next ESVA meeting will be held April 1st at the Anacortes Lutheran Church in Anacortes Washington.
The insurance policy to cover part of the DuPont walk through the concrete company has been received.
Four trails and a bike route have been set. A workers’ walk will be held Saturday, March 4th, and another workers’ walk is scheduled for Saturday, March 18th. Start Time, 9:00 am, at the Dupont City Hall/Community Center.
Diamond Jim’s Steakhouse restaurant in Federal Way has a meeting room available for our club general meetings. It was moved and seconded that we have our next meeting and subsequent meetings at Diamond Jim’s on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The March meeting would be on the 22nd. The address for Diamond Jim’s is given at the end of these minutes.
$18 was collected. Diane Wagner won the drawing. She received $9 and $9 went into the club kitty.
None noted.
It was moved and seconded to purchase walkie-talkies to be used for communicated between the checkpoint and the start point at the Dupont City Hall for the Dupont Walk/Bike. The units will have a range of 10 miles.
It was moved and seconded to donate $50 to our Webmaster, Paul James, for his work updating and upkeep of our web site.
At this point, three walks are scheduled for same weekend in June next year: The Rhododendron Walk, an Evergreen Wanderers Anniversary Walk, and the North-West Trek Walk. It was suggested that our Northwest Trek walk be moved to another date, perhaps June 9th, so as not to conflict with the E.W.’s Anniversary Walk. The proposition was tabled so that Chip Heinz at Northwest Trek can be contacted to give his input on the matter.
Bill Stewart showed stamped, commemorative lead pencils that can be used at the Dupont Walk, long with different-colored in stamp pads. He also had several carry bags that can be given as door prizes.
The Dupont Walk trail marking will take place on Friday, March 24th, at 3:00 pm. Trail Marker volunteers will meet at the Dupont City Hall.
The election of club officers will be held in June. Those members on the Nominating Committee are Diane Wagner and Alicia Maxcy.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 22nd at
Diamond Jim’s, 1616 So. 325th St.,
Federal Way, WA.
Steve Mackey, Secretary