August 25th , 2004
Held at Round Table Pizza, Auburn, Washington
The Over The Hill Gang Volkssport Club was called to order at 7PM by President Jack Maxcy There were 21 members present. ESVA Area Coordination Fran Carson was also a visitor. New members Leonard and Dorothy Bahr were introduced to everyone present.
The minutes from our June meeting were approved as submitted.
Two letters were received thanking us for recent donations to Northwest Trek and the Girl Scouts. Highlights from the Mt Cheam Volkssport Club newsletter were read. A brochure received from the NW Tulip Trekkers regarding events on Whidbey Island was received.
Ken Grieser: All bill have been paid.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Skip Probst reported that all Year Around Walk information for our 2005 events has been submitted to the Regional Director.
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: Bill Stewart was absent do the death of his grandfather. Our condolences to him.
KENT YRE: Skip-Walkers to date: 128
FEDERAL WAY YRE: Jack-Walkers to date: 144
DUPONT YRE: Elayne Chambers – Walkers to date: 112, Bike 21
JUNEAU: No total as of yet, but around 105
SALES: Elayne Chambers will be assisting Alicia Maxcy with sales.
MEMBERSHIP: Marianne Bastin: Regular Members 92 Honorary 2 with a total of 94 members. A new membership roster will be available at our September meeting.
SICKNESS & SYNPATHY: Joan Grieser: She has sent cards to Steve Mackey, Jack Maxcy, and Dianne Hall. We hope everyone is feeling better.
SOCIAL: Carol Walsh: Carol Walsh reported mid week walks were going well. She will be working at the Puyallup Fair for two weeks so the walks have been discontinued for that period of time. The club picnic was a success and those who attended had a great time and good food. The next club social will be at Hope, Canada on the weekend of September 25th. If you are interested the phone number for the motel is 1-800.899.5996. Our club Christmas Party will be on December 12th. More information will be available at our September meeting. Carol Walsh will be our club alternate in the absence of Jack at ESVA Meetings. Our club received awards at the Northwest Regional Conference in Leavenworth: Friendliest Club and Spark Club Award.
Reports from our Regional Director are available on our club web site.
E-Mail received from Bob & Ruth Ann Glover. They arrived safely in Deming, New Mexico and are looking forward to moving into their new home.. Of interest we have had 12,575 visitors too our club web site.
Auburn Walk , Our Auburn walk is set for August 28th. The workers list has been circulated. Trail will be marked on Friday, August 27th. Club members were reminded to wear warm clothing because we will be working in a open area.
Girl Scout Walk: We will need some help in laying out the trail for our Girl Scout Walk on October 10th. Jack and Alicia will be not be here for this walk. They will be in Utah attending the wedding of their youngest granddaughter.
CLUB WALK: at DuPont for 2005, Bill Stewart and Elayne Chambers will be walk coordinators for this event. City walk permit request has been submitted. As discussed before food will not be served at the walk next March.
Club donations to date are $17,383. 69
Theola Swann was the winner of this months drawing.
Under new business the current date for our DuPont walk next year is on Easter Weekend. We were not aware of this when he event was scheduled. The Emerald City Wanderers sponsors a event the day before Easter. A motion was made and seconded that we move our 2005 DuPont events forward one week to Saturday, March 19, 2005. Motion passed. A new sanction request will be sent to the Regional Director.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 22nd. Note there five Wednesday in September this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.
Jack Maxcy ,
Secretary, TOTHG