April 28th 2004 Meeting Minutes


April 28th, 2004

Held at Round Table Pizza, Auburn, Washington

President Jack Maxcy called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. There were 19 members present and one visitor, Mel Hayward. Two of our newest members could not make it to this meeting.

Minutes of March meeting were discussed and approved. There is a correction on the March meeting minutes concerning the reading of the February meeting. The line should read: “minutes of February 24, 2004 were approved as submitted.”

A letter was received from Pauline Cassio regarding a bench that the Daffodil Valley Club dedicated to one of their walkers, Virginia Crandall, out at West Port.

Ken Grieser: The checkbook balance as of today is $7,139.30.

KENT YRE: Skip-Walkers to date: 74
FEDERAL WAY YRE: Jack-Walkers to date: 85
DUPONT YRE: Elayne Chambers – Walkers to date: 51, Bike 7
JUNEAU: Jack: Walk starts May 1 st. All supplies have been mailed and received. One group of 54 is coming from Vancouver in May.
SALES: Alicia Maxcy: She has Jackets and new T-shirts and books for new walkers and others.
MEMBERSHIP: Marianne Bastin: Regular Members 90 Honorary 2 with a total of 92 members. Below are changes and additions to the most recent membership roster dated March 2004. Please correct your copy to keep it current. (new members have been with held, if you need a list of the new members please email Jack ()
SICKNESS & SYNPATHY: Joan Grieser sent a get-well card to Elayne who had surgery on her foot. She is with us tonight so it appears everything is going OK.
SOCIAL: Carol Walsh. She and her husband are on a walking tour so were unable to attend our meeting tonight. She will have a map prepared for our next meeting. The theme for this party is Christmas in July. The date for the social is 31 st of July. There will be a walk prior to the party for those who are interested. The walk is at Federation Forest .
Dianne Hall will host our Christmas party in December.
We are glad to see our Snow Birds coming back. Bob and Betty Hellers are back and Bob and Ruth Ann Glover are in transit. It is great to have you back.
BROCHURES: Skip Probst is working on the brochures for out walks for the rest of the year.

AVA is proud to announce a new partnership with General Nutrition Center (GNC). They are offering their stores as start/finish points for both regular and YRE/Seasonal Events. Clubs wishing to host an event at their local store should not contact the store directly at this time. Please notify Jackie atwith the desired event date, anticipated number of participants, store location and store number. GNC will contact the store to make sure they understand the program and are willing to participate. A listing of all stores (both corporate and franchise) will be posted on the AVA web page.
New Walker Packet: The Executive Council voted to make some changes to the New Walker Packets. One of those is to include space for the name and address of the person submitting a coupon. We are in the process of making the revisions. Once these coupons start showing up at your start/finish table, please ensure that they are filled out. For more information visit the AVA web site.

NW Regional Conference will be July 15 th through the 18 th , in Leavenworth .

Check the Web Site for his message..

DuPont walks in March was a success. Thanks to all who worked the event. We made a profit of $923. We sold all of the hatpins. Walk 1 had 374 walkers. Walk 2 had 370 walkers and the Bike had 75 bikers. Total 819. 
Northwest Trek, Is scheduled for June 5 th . JP Prizmich and Dianne Hall will be Trail Masters for this event. No workers walk for this event. Trails will be marked on Friday, June 4 th . We will get our assignments for this walk at our May meeting.
Auburn Walk , will be on Saturday August 28 th , 2004. Bob and Betty Hellers will be the Trail Masters for this event.
Girl Scout Walk: Will be on October 10 th . We will be using the new Pacific Peaks Council Building in DuPont as our start point. A new patch will be available for this event.
MID-WEEK Walks are going well. If you would like your name on the email list please let Jack Maxcy know.
The Hope walk with our Sister club will be the weekend of Sept 25 th and 26 th . If you require a motel call Quality Inn at 1-800-899-5996. . There will be spaces for Trailers and Camping. This will be the last year for this walk.

Bill Stewart won $10, with $10 going to our Club Kitty.

ELECTIONS: We will have our election for new officers at our June meeting. Debbie Connell reports that there are candidates for all offices. Dean Puckett tendered his resignation as Vice President, as he and Marion are moving.
WEEKEND WALKS: Our club is doing weekend walks on non-event dates. Dorothy Blackmun is in charge of these walks and will notify us which walks she has chosen. Please let her know if you will be doing the walk that she chooses.
DONATIONS: Our Club is donating $500 to the Parks and Recreation Department of DuPont. There was a request from the Girl Scouts for a donation. We will be donating $100 to them as well as a donation of $50.00 to the ESVA for the Northwest Regional Conference in Leavenworth . Club Donations total to date is $16,398.69.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. Our next meeting will be on May 26 th , 2004.

Dauna Perry,
Secretary, TOTHG