January 28nd, 2004
Held at Round Table Pizza, Auburn, Washington
Club President, Jack Maxcy called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. There were 20 members present. Six new members were introduced. Chuck, Joan, Darian, and Haley Garrison were introduced but were not present. Larry Walsh and Steve Mackey were introduced to the club members present.
The minutes of the October, 2003 meeting were discussed and approved.
We received a Thank You letter from the Girl Scouts concerning a $100 donation. A Christmas card and note from Bob and Ruth Ann Glover. Brochures were received from Millie Haupt regarding the WA State Challenge Program, and one from Scott Walking Co. and Flyers March for Freedom.
Ken Grieser. Check book balance as of 28 January 2004 is $5,514.
KENT YRE: Skip-Walkers to date: No report
FEDERAL WAY YRE: Jack-Walkers to date: 16
DUPONT YRE: Jack – Walkers to date: 15, Bike 1
JUNEAU: Jack: Walk starts May 1 st
SALES: Alicia: She will be ordering items from the AVA if you need anything. Also Club Jackets and T-shirts. Please let Alicia know if you want any of these items.
MEMBERSHIP: Marianne reports that we have 82 members and 2 honorary, making a total of 84 members.
New Club Rosters: If you haven’t gotten a new roster let Jack know.
SICKNESS & SYNPATHY: Joan sent cards to George for Andree. Also cards were sent to Bob Hellers and Ginger Fisher.
SOCIAL: Carol Walsh is in charge of our Summer Picnic. The date will be July 31 st . It will be at her Daughters home at Crystal River Ranch off of FS Road 74 near Green Water. More information will be forthcoming.
BROCHURES: Skip has put out our information about the NW Trek and DuPont Walks. He is working on a multi-event brochure for 2005 YRE.
Dean reports that the AVA is receiving many calls from frustrated volkssporters because the people working at the start tables are not able to answer their questions. It will be our goal to have our Start Tables staffed by knowledgeable people. Ginny Drumm advises us that we are allowed to generate revenue, but we have to use those revenues for a ‘proper exempt purpose’. The funds raised by putting on volkssporting events cannot be used to benefit the members/workers.
The NW Regional Conference will be held in Leavenworth , WA . On July 18 th .
NW Trek walks on February 7 th and 8 th . Our club is responsible for marking the trail on Friday and trail checking on both Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers were assigned to those jobs at this meeting.
Curt Myron is our RD. We have no report from him. Check our web site. His current publications are posted. Our web site is:
DuPont walks on March 27 th . All is going well. Check your local newspapers for information concerning our walks. The food is going to be handled by Dianne Hall’s daughter, Deanna. We will serve hotdogs and a drink for $1.50. The trails have not yet been finalized due to construction. Our first workers walk has been finished for the Country Walk. All club members are urged to pre-register. Hatpin is $2.00 and our cost per walk is $2.00.
NW Trek, Saturday June 5,2004: JP and Dianne will be Trail Masters for this event. This is also a Girl Scout Event.
Auburn Walk , on Saturday October 2 nd , 2004. Bob and Betty Hellers are Trail Masters for this event.
Girl Scout Walk: The date has not been finalized. It will be in October. Their new building will be used as the Start/Finish.
The Kent Group walk will on Sunday February 22 nd . Start time is 9am. Those interested can meet for lunch afterwards.
The Hope walk with our sister club will be once again the weekend of September 25 th and 26 th . If you need a motel call 1-800-899-5996. This is the number for the Quality Inn. There is also space available for Trailers and Camping.
Train Trip to Portland : More information to come at later meetings .
Christmas Party . We all want to give Donna Bonfoey many thanks for the great job she did decorating and procuring the gifts for the party. Great Job. Go to our web site: to see the pictures that were taken that night. 36 members attended the party.
Club elections coming up in June. We need someone to head the nomination committee. Our next workers walk at DuPont will be on March 14 th , at 9am. Just a reminder, don’t park in front of City Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm. Our next meeting will on February 25 th .
Secretary, TOTHG
Dauna Perry