The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the March 28, 2012 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 16th Ave. Ct., Federal Way, WA, 6:30 p.m.
Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by club president, Diane Wagner. Sixteen members
were present.
Correspondence A notice was received about events in April 2013 planned for the Phoenix Festival, BC.
These events will be hosted by 3 Volkssport clubs in B.C.
Milestones Shirley Lindberg will be retiring in April!
Minutes of the February 22, 2012 meeting Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as
submitted by secretary.
Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser reported a checkbook balance of $3,228.82. Some deposits are yet to be
made. A reminder to POCs that money for 1st quarter should be forwarded to Ken for 1st quarter reports.
Committee reports
Year Round Events (number of participants YTD)
Auburn/White River – 1
Boyhood Memories – 0 (was closed for several weeks because of downed trees)
Historical – 14
Federal Way – 23
City – 4
Green River – 4
Lake Fenwick – 3
Maple Valley – 13
Membership There are 36 members (paid, honorary and lifetime).
Sales Alicia Maxcy has record books and new member packets ready for the DuPont event.
Sickness/Sympathy Reported by Joan Grieser
Don Lindberg broke both of his wrists during the ice storm. He is back to walking YRE’s with his 2 casts!
Alicia Maxcy is doing well after surgery. It was good to see her at the meeting.
Bob Hellers continues to improve after hip surgery complications.
Paul Bastin is being treated for an auto-immune disorder that’s affecting his eyes.
Ken Grieser will be having eye surgery this week.
ESVA Meeting The next meeting will be on May 12 in Olympia and is being hosted by the Capitol Volkssport
Old Business
2012 Starting Points books All have been paid for including those purchased by Daffodil Valley Volkssport
Club. The last of the monies was given to the club treasurer at this meeting.
DuPont The workers walks have been completed. Thanks to Rich Heasty for critiquing the route instructions.
Most positions in the workers list have been filled. Volunteers are still welcomed. Chalk will be used for
marking to eliminate torn down/turned signs.
Meeting location The Federal Way Multi Service Center charges for meeting rooms so the club meetings will
continue to be held at the present location.
Break for drawing $12.00 was collected. Leonard Bahr won $6.00, the club received $6.00.
New Business
NW Trek event as part of the NW Regional Conference, August 16, 2012. Not much to report until after a
committee meeting to be held on March 31 at the DuPont event. There will be a salmon dinner at NW Trek
after the walk at 5 p.m. Some club members did the 10k route in February reporting that the trail wasn’t too bad.
By our event time the trail should be in great shape.
Volkssmarch participation AVA Regional Director, Sam Korff has expressed concern about the lack of
sanctioned events and the low number of participants at events.
The motion was made, seconded and passed to let the ESVA know how unhappy The Over the Hill Gang
Volkssport Club feels about the lack of ‘Pathfinder’s’ that are available at advertise events.
Juneau patch awards The 53 patch awards for the Juneau YRE dated 2000 will be made available to walkers
completing that walk for $1.00 each.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Dates to remember
March 31 DuPont events (The Over the Hill Gang)
April 7 Easter Walk in Seattle (Emerald City Wanderers)
April 25 The Over the Hill Gang Club meeting 6:30 p.m.
There are very few events in April, hopefully you will walk YRE’s or at least walk in your neighborhoods.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary