The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the September 25, 2019 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 15th Ave Ct, Federal Way, WA
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1 p.m. by club president, Diane Wagner. Eight members and one guest were present.
Correspondence A note was received from the DuPont Historical Society thanking the club for the donation.
Milestones Debbie Connell and husband John celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. Paul and Marianne Bastin, 56th anniversary.
Debbie Connell and Marilyn Viola have finished another season of working at the WA State Fair.
Minutes A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the July 24 meeting as submitted by Diane Wagner.
Treasurer’s Report – Eleanor Borgardts reported the check book balance.
Committee Reports
Year Round/Seasonal Events (year to date)
Auburn – 110
DuPont – Historical – 32
Boyhood Memories – 71
Federal Way – 55
Juneau – 48 (will close on Sept 30)
Kent – Town and Parks – 21
Green River – 46
Lake Fenwick – 38 (will close on Sept 30)
Ketchikan – 27 (will close on Sept 30)
Maple Valley – 59
Membership – Marianne Bastin
TOTHG has 22 members.
From Tom’s Talk (AVA NW Regional Director)
Catheryn Byrd, former ESVA President passed away just short of her 90th birthday. She and her husband Bill were instrumental in the Discovery walks in Vancouver, WA.
The 2020 Regional Conference will be in OR. The unnamed hotel is set Events will be at the end of June.
From the Checkpoint (online newsletter)
Clubs are asked to have billings done on line. (We have already done this.)
Requests are being made for monthly donations (sustained giving program).
Reminder – insert cards are not to be used in lieu of record books. They can be used if you forgot your books at an event or walk a shorter distance and need them to complete a distance book.
Electronic IVV book processing is now available. Event and Distance Books only, Achievement books must still mailed.
AVA is working on a new website to be finished by the end of the year.
The ESVA meeting was held Sept. 21 in Winthrop with events hosted by 4 clubs.
A motion passed to have an annual review regarding the ESVA after action fees. Currently they are waived and annual dues are $25.
There are new start points for the Link Light Rail Angle Lake Walk (7-11) and Green Lake (Bakery Café).
Tom Baltes requested that clubs consider paying for free walkers in the fourth quarter of 2019. This was not accepted and will go back to clubs for their consideration and be presented again at the annual ESVA meeting (April/May 2020).
The problem of lack of funding at AVA was again brought up.
Old Business
Thank you all for your help and support for the DuPont Hudson Bay Days walk. There were 73 participants (53 credit/20 free).
Kaki Kesterson has distributed all the thank you cards to our year round start points with cookies. Those of us working DuPont can vouch for how good her cookies are.
50/50 Drawing $11.00 was collected. Debbie Connell won $5.50 and $5.50 went to the club.
New Business
4 Plus is planning a new YRE/Seasonal near Maple Valley. They have been very considerate with the planning so it should not overlap TOTHG YRE. The address may be Black Diamond.
Kake has found another possible walk for an event. It is at Clark Lake Park in Kent and is a 6k/10k. Due to Green River construction until 2020 or later an event in that area is not an option at this time.
DuPont has been challenging as far as start points for Trails Day and Hudson Bay Days.
Next TOTHG meeting 1 p.m. Oct. 23
Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary