The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the April 24, 2019 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 15 Ave. Ct, Federal Way, WA
Call to order President, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Twelve members and 4 guests were present.
Correspondence A copy of a notice mailed to residents in the Lakes District of Kent regarding road construction in that area. The Green River Trail walk will not be affected.
Eleanor Borgardts received confirmation of our Big Give Donation.
Milestones Jan Paige received an embroidered towel as second prize in the winter walking challenge (100 events)
Carolyn Warhol has walked 22,000 k.
Minutes Thank you Eleanor for taking the April minutes. Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted.
Treasurer’s report Eleanor Borgardts presented the financial report.
Committee Reports
Year Round/Seasonal events (number of participants year-to-date)
Auburn 38
DuPont – Historical Village – 26
Boyhood Memories – 5
Kent – Town/Parks – 15
Green River – 10
Lake Fenwick –began 4/1/19
Juneau – begins 5/1/19 Diane Wagner will be taking the start box to Alaska soon
Ketchikan – begins 5/1/19
Maple Valley – 37
Membership – 20
The AVA Convention is being held in Albany, NY. Three bylaw amendments will be voted on June 14. Voting will be electronic. June 12, the official slate of officer candidates will be announced and nominations from the floor accepted. The National Executive Council (NEC) meeting is June 11. Discussions will be held on free walkers and development of partnerships.
ESVA Report from the annual meeting held on April 13.
- ESVA member clubs confirmed the candidates for AVA NW Regional Director (Tom Baltes) and AVA Deputy Regional Director (Dennis Standridge).
- ESVA Officers and Area Coordinators gave their reports.
- Awards for the Winter Walking Challenge were presented: Jean Ohl – 1st, Tom Baltes – 2nd and Lynn Blazek – 3rd. Embroidered towels were presented to the walkers with the highest number of walks: Pat Elsberg – 113 walks, Jan Paige – 100 walks and Chase Davis – 80 walks.
- The “Prime Minister” of Wallace, ID, Rick Shaffer gave a presentation on the history of Wallace as well as activities and discount options in town.
- The Lilac City Volkssport Club is having a series of events August 24 and 25.
- Committee reports were given including financial review, Challenge Committee and Regional Publicity Committee.
- The Winthrop Fall Walking Roundup is being held September 20-22, 2019. The ESVA meeting will also be held at the event.
- Tom Baltes, AVA Regional Director presented an AVA Commendable Service Award to Sue Opp (Daffodil Valley Volkssport Vice President).
Break for drawing $21.00 was collected. Paul Bastin won $10.50, $10.50 went to the club.
In a second drawing, guest, Kaki Kesterson, won 2 tickets to the Washington State History Museum donated by Richard Heasty.
Old Business
- The DuPont National Trails Day is progressing. The 5k route is done except for checking and the 10k route is almost ready for checking. Hudson Bay Days, August 18, is also progressing.
- Those running for office at the AVA convention are as follows;
David Bonewitz, Pres., Nancy Wittenberg, V Pres., Cecilia Minor, Secretary, Chase Davis, Treasurer.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to instruct our delegate, Dorman Batson, to vote for the candidates as listed above.
- The following bylaw motions will be voted:
- Change the AVA fiscal year to a calendar year. (Will not affect our club.)
- Change the National Executive Council name to Board of Directors.
2a. Add 3 at large members to the Board of Directors. - Change committee structure.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to instruct our delegate, Dorman Batson, to use his discretion when voting on the above bylaw motions.
- If the following two items were to come to vote, Motion was made, seconded and passed to instruct our delegate, Dorman Batson, to vote no.
- Elimination of free walkers.
- Increase of walking fee to $4.00.
- A gift card to REI has been purchased for the AVA Silent Auction (the new catalog will be available in mid-May to go with the gift card.).
New Business
Kaki Kesterson reported that she has identified 3 projected walks in Kent that could be started at the Senior Center. She is working on the details.
Those who worked on the Weyerhaeuser walk were thanked for their help.
Next club meeting May 22, 6:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary, Marianne Bastin