The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the October 24, 2018 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 15th Ave Ct, Federal Way, WA, 1 p.m.
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1 p.m. by club president, Diane Wagner. Seven members were in attendance.
Correspondence Flyers were received from the Daffodil Valley Volkssport club regarding their November 23 guided walk on the Sumner Link Trail, #OptOutside. Start will be at REI Sumner Distribution Center, 1700 45th St E, Sumner, WA and starts at 10 a.m. This was not announced in the PathFinder (deadline missed).
Minutes of the September 26, 2018 meeting A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by the club president.
Treasurer’s Report The checkbook balance was reported
Committee Reports
Year round/Seasonal events (number of participants year-to-date)
Auburn – 164
DuPont – City – 59
Boyhood Memories – 86
Federal Way – 53
Juneau – 143 (113 from cruise ship) closed now
Kent – Downtown – 59
Green River – 36
Lake Fenwick – 21 closed now
Ketchikan – 143 (113 from cruise ship) closed now
Maple Valley – 55
Membership 20
Sunshine A sympathy card for Alicia Maxcy’s daughter, Joanne, was passed around to be signed by members.
AVA The third quarter reports are due October 31 and this is done. The financial report is almost completed.
ESVA Meeting was Saturday, Oct. 27, at the Reminger Farms Event in Carnation.
Break for drawing $8.00 was collected. Marilyn Viola won $4.00 and $4.00 went to the club.
Old Business
- 2019 Starting Points have been ordered. These list all YRE and seasonals sanctioned in the US prior to 9-30-18).
- There will be no TOTHG meeting in November because it would be the day before Thanksgiving.
- The Christmas party is 12-12-18 at the regular meeting place, Round Table Pizza, at 1 p.m. The Club will make a donation to the Puyallup Food Bank of $300 as previously agreed upon. Club members are welcome to add to that amount with personal donations.
- We have not yet made a donation to the DuPont Historical Society in appreciation for the use of their building as a check point during the August event. A motion was made, seconded and passed to donate $300 to the DuPont Historical Society. A second motion was made, seconded and passed to make the donation after January 1, 2019 so the DuPont Historical Society has an entire year to use the money.
- Additional work needs to be done to get our club checking account up to date. Richard Heasty made the motion that we remove Ken Greiser as the treasurer of the Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club and add Eleanor Borgardts as the new treasurer as well as adding Diane Wagner, club president, as signers on the account. The motion was seconded and passed.
In addition all club officers must sign the minutes as concurring with this action.
New Business
There was discussion as to how to honor long time members who have recently passed away. Several suggestions were made. It was decided to wait until Dec. or Jan. to make a memorial decision.
Dates to remember
Nov. 18 – Walk in Eatonville (4+ Foolhardy Folks)
Nov. 23 – Opt Outside walk in Sumner (Daffodil Valley Volkssport Club)
Dec. 08 – Holiday walk in Olympia (Capitol Volkssport Club) afternoon walk
Dec. 12 – TOTHG Christmas Party, 1 p.m., Federal Way Round Table Pizza
Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary