JANUARY 23, 2002
Held at The Round Table Pizza, Auburn, WA
CALL TO ORDER: Club President, Jack Maxcy called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. There were 20 members present. Two new members joined this evening. They are Pat Davis and her sister Mary Murray-Mistision.
MINUTES OF OCTOBER 2001 MEETING: The minutes were discussed and approved.
CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence this month.
TREASURERS REPORT: Sandy was not present. Jack gave the numbers that were available. We have in our checking account; $8,431.72, and cash on hand, $148.50.
KENT YRE: final report for 2001 267 walkers
FEDERAL WAY YRE: 188 walkers
DUPONT WALK & BIKE: 522 total, without the girl scouts: 192; Bike 38
SALES: Alicia: Two New Walker packets were sold tonight. Alicia asked that those at the meeting sign up for the DuPont event and get their pins at the same time. That will save time on the day of the event.
MEMBERSHIP: Marianne: We have 77 members in our club. That includes 2 honorary members.
CLUB WEB PAGE: Check every so often as Jack posts messages from time to time.
SOCIAL: Dianne Hall has offered her home again for our Summer Social. She suggested July 20th.
October: Special Requests: The computers cannot track special requests that we get such as “I only want pins” or “I don’t want any pins or patches.” You will need to make these requests each time you send in your Award books for processing.
Award Books: Please remind your club members that paste-ins are not acceptable in their award books. Per IVV Policies, we are to disallow those entries that are on labels, or other items glued in the books. Leave insert pages whole and use liquid paper or simply mark through the incorrect entry and stamp the correct entry somewhere else on the book. Even the cover is okay. The awards person is currently backlogged six weeks.
November: From the Executive Director’s Desk: A few suggestions for the New Year: Make all of our events special events with great trails, a place to gather before and after the event, food for all to enjoy, a nice award and an overall good time for all. Encourage our individual club members to bring a newcomer to each of our walks. Encourage people to subscribe to The American Wanderer. Support the AVA through the purchase of merchandise from the AVA Specialties Store. Become the “walking expert” in the community who is called upon for support for developing healthier lifestyles for our neighbors. Become an active participant in ensuring the continued vitality of the AVA.
ESVA MEETING: There was a meeting held in November in Seattle. Shirley Lindberg attended. The next meeting will be February 23rd. Some of the highlights from the November meeting are: A training session about writing route directions was given. An official audit report was asked for. A request was made to have the clubs send ESVA a copy of their sanction request and route directions for their YRE’s. Signups for NW Trek are in progress. TOTHG should let Dorothy know where they want to help. The award will be a patch in a green triangle, with a bear. 50 will be ordered. A memorial fund has been established by ESVA. A log bench will be purchased for placement at NW Trek. ESVA will provide a plaque saying that it has been donated in memory of deceased volkssporters. The bench will cost $1500 and will become the property of the park once it is donated. ESVA is accepting donations from clubs towards this effort. They have a good start, but currently not enough for the purchase of the bench. Clubs should state what the donation is for when it is made. Also, on the bench posts there will be an area where small name plaques can be added with the name of the deceased volkssporter. These will cost $25 each. This will be an ongoing memorial. A motion was made and seconded that our Club donate $200 toward this memorial.
REGIONAL DIRECTOR: None was read at the meeting, but Jack received a directive from Jessie Miller on the 26th. It reads: “When sending credit books to IVV for processing we no longer have to send in the previous book. All backup information is now in the computer system. A place will be provided on the IVV book to allow an individual to use to order a new book when a book is sent in to be processed. A pre-addressed envelope will be provided for the individual to use to mail in the completed book. A place will be provided for the volkswalker to indicate that his or her mailing address has been changed.” Jack say’s he understands this to mean that only the current completed book and the colored record book for distance and events will have to be sent to the AVA.
DuPont: All is going well. The trails will be started on the 24th. Sponsor’s this year are The City of DuPont, Quadrant Homes, New Balance Shoes, Capitol Footware, & Guest Home Inn & Suites. There will be food by the DuPont Parks Dept, Snacks by the Library Group, the Scarf Lady will return. ESVA Sales will also be on site, and Taking Rain will furnish the water. All club members were asked to pre-register for the DuPont events at out meeting. All three events including the hatpin will be $5 for working members only. We chose two dates for our workers walks. They are February 24th, and March 10th. Both walks will start at 9:00am. The walk is on March 23rd. This will be our 10th anniversary at DuPont
Northwest Trek: All is going well. Both Girl Scout Councils will use this event as their annual walking event. We have to decide if we wish to have a new hatpin. We didn’t have one last year. A motion was made to use the Flag hatpin for this event. There was a second and it was approved. So we will have the Flag hatpin for our walk at NW Trek. JP is in charge of this walk that will be held on June 8th. Bob Meyers is putting together the flyer and brochure for the walk. They should be ready for final review this week.
YRE’s 2002: We had a problem at our Kent YRE. Money was stolen after the box was forced open. That has been taken care of. Otherwise all is going well. Kent has had 19 walkers. Federal Way, 20 walkers; and DuPont has had 3 walkers and no bikers. Don’t forget that an alternate start point has been established for the Federal Way walk. Changes have been made in the FW and Kent walks, and the DuPont walk is new.
SOCIAL: Our Christmas Social was great despite the stormy weather. There were 34 members at dinner. It was decided tonight that we will have our Social next year at the same place, The Tacoma Elks Club. Alicia is going to make the reservations for us. We did decide, however, that we will start at 4pm with the Social Hour followed at 5pm with dinner. The date we picked was December 15th. Information will come later in the year.
Hope BC: Will be the weekend of September 28th and 29th.
TOTHG Annual walk in Kent will be on April 7th. Starting at the QFC on Meeker St. Additional information will be given at our next meeting
NEW BUSINESS: We have selected October 5th for our Norpoint walk. More information will be available next meeting. There was a request made for a Memorial Walk in honor of our Club member, Jackie Meyers. She was also a member of the Auburn Trampers. They will sponsor the walk. The date has been set for June 22, 2002 in Auburn.
Our next meeting will be February 27th, 2002. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.
Pauna Perry
Secretary, TOTHG