The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the October 23, 2017 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 15 th Ave Ct., Federal Way, WA, 6:30 p.m.
Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Diane Wagner, club president, at 6:30 p.m.
Twelve members and 1 guest were present.
Correspondence Carolyn Warhol shared the contact information of Opt Outside guided walks.
Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser reported that the check book balance is $4,572.58. He also has
money yet to deposit.
Minutes of the Sept. 27, 2017 meeting Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the
minutes as submitted.
Committee reports
Year round/Seasonal events (number of participants year-to- date)
- Auburn – 71
- DuPont – City/Town – 65
- Boyhood memories/Sequalitchew Creek – 63
- Federal Way – 30
- Juneau – closed for the season
- Kent – Green River Trail – 37
- Town Walk – 32
- Lake Fenwick – closed for the season
- Ketchikan – closed for the season
- Maple Valley – no report
Membership – 25
AVA The next meeting will be in January. The AVA computer was down for over a week in
October but is now up and running.
ESVA Meeting was held in Winthrop on September 30.
- ESVA will donate $1000 toward startup of the 401K , invest in your health on-line
program. - Tom Baltes, NW Regional Director, gave a report on the 401K program. He had not
been given sufficient information from AVA to answer questions.
Old Business There is no meeting in November.
The Christmas party in December 13, at 1 p.m. at Round Table Pizza.
Break for Drawing $15.00 was collected. Diane Wagner won $7.50 and $7.50 went to the club.
New Business
- Dennis Standridge from the Spokane area, is the new Deputy Regional Director. He is a
long tine volkssporter ad is excited and honored to start this position. - At this time there is no information about the Hudson Bay Days festival in DuPont next
year. Diane has driven a potential route for the event next year. Jerry Williams, who has
volkssporting background, has been retained as the docent for DuPont Museum where the
walk check point has been in the past. - A motion was made, seconded and passed to contribute our annual Christmas donations
from the club and individuals to the Puyallup Food Bank.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to donate the same amount of money from the
club treasury as last year. Last year donation was $300.00.
Other announcements
- For insurance purposes, workers, trail checkers, those laying out trails will need to sign a
waiver. - The Central WA Sun Striders have sanctioned the John Wayne bike trail for 2018 even
though no one did that event to date in 2017. - A new section of trail from South Prairie to Buckley is scheduled to be opened in Feb.
Meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.
Club Christmas party on Dec. 13, 1 p.m. at Round Table Pizza
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary