The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the September 27, 2017 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 15th Ave. Ct., Federal Way, WA, 6:30 p.m.
Call to Order Club president, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Nine members and 1 guest were present.
Correspondence An e-mail from Linda Ball concerning the Maple Valley YRE. This walk has a new start point at Johnson’s Home & Garden.
Milestones Shirley Lindberg – 3700 events, Carolyn Warhol – 21,000 km and 2,100 events.
Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser gave the report.
Minutes of the July 2017 meeting No minutes were submitted. There was no meeting in Aug.
Committee reports
Year round/Seasonal events (number of participants year-to-date)
Auburn – 69
DuPont – City/Town Walk – 63
Boyhood Memories/Sequalitchew Creek – 43
Federal Way – 29
Juneau (seasonal) – 32
Kent – Green River Trail – 32
Lake Fenwick (seasonal) – 5
Town Walk – 30 (Kent has closed the boardwalk)
Ketchikan (seasonal) – no report
Maple Valley – no report
Membership Marianne Bastin reported that the club has 25 members.
Sales Record books are available.
Sickness/Sympathy Joan Grieser no report.
AVA (from the Sept. AVA Checkpoint)
- New theme for AVA: Helping Clubs Grow and Growing New Clubs.
- New program: 401K – invest in your health is an on line program beginning 1/1/2018. Participants will be able to log kilometers, post photos and communicate with other walkers. AVA is seeking donations for the set up fees and fees for participants.
ESVA (meeting is in Winthrop on Saturday, Sept. 30.)
- ESVA will be asking for permission from clubs to contribute to start up fees for AVA’s 401K- invest in your health on line program.
- Vote will be taken for Deputy Northwest Regional Director. Candidates are Dennis Standridge (WA) and Pat Jewitt (OR).
Northwest Regional Director Tom Baltes report
- It is time to turn in YRE/Seasonal sanction requests. (TOTHG have already sanctioned our walks.)
- There is a proposal by AVA treasurer, Bob Morrison to change the fiscal year to calendar year.
- AVA website needs updating.
- New stamps will be implemented, but it will take a while. Result will be improvement of appearance and decrease cost to AVA of stamps.
Old Business
- The DuPont event in August was held at a new location. There was favorable comments from walkers about the location. Thank you to all of you, you helped to make this a success. There were less than 100 participants.
A motion was made and seconded to give the DuPont Museum a $25.00 donation and a thank you card for allowing its use as a check point. Motion was passed.
- A reminder that the club Christmas Party is December 13 at 1 p.m. at Round Table Pizza. Will decide at the next meeting where our Christmas donation will go.
Break for Drawing $10.00 was collected. Betty Hellers won $5.00. $5.00 went to the club.
New Business
Vote for Deputy NW Regional Director
Those present at the meeting voted for Dennis Standridge by show of hands. The results of the club vote will be sent to the ESVA meeting on Sept. 30.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
TOTHG club meeting Oct. 23, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary