August 28th 2013 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the August 28, 2013 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 16th Ave Ct, Federal Way, WA, 6:30 p.m.

Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by club president, Diane Wagner.
Twelve members were present.

Minutes Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the June 26, 2013 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser reported that the check book balance is $4,036.19.  He has $91.00 to be deposited.

Committee Reports
Year-round/Seasonal Events (number of participants year to date)

  • Auburn/White River – no report
  • DuPont – Boyhood Memories – 58
    •  Historical – 32
  • Federal Way – 29
  • Juneau – no report
  • Kent – Downtown – 44
    • Green River Trail – 76
    • Lake Fenwick – 35 (seasonal ends 9/30/13)
  • Maple Valley – 63

Membership – Marianne Bastin reported that we have 38 members.  One member withdrew and 1 has not yet paid.

Sales – Alicia Maxcy sold 1 book, 3 New Walker packets and sold some hat pins at the DuPont event.

Sickness/Sympathy – Joan Grieser reported that Bob Hellers is currently residing in a care center in Puyallup while Betty is traveling.

ESVA Meeting – July 27 in Vancouver, WA
Nancy Wittenberg, our current AVA Regional Director, resigned her position as ESVA First Vice-President to devote her time to her new AVA position.  Sharon Moats resigned as ESVA Second Vice-President.  She was elected to the vacant First Vice-President position.  The Second vice-President position is left empty in anticipation of an ESVA by-law change.  (The Second Vice-President was originally a trail master but because the ESVA no longer hosts events there is no need for this position)

The next meeting is October 5 at Snoqualmie hosted by the 4+ Club.

AVA Meeting -held the weekend of August 24/25 in Texas

  • The motion to eliminate free walkers did not pass.  This will not be brought up again until the next Executive Council is elected in 2015.
  • The motion to increase the cost of IVV Record Books passed. Clubs may charge the old price, but orders received by AVA after 10/1/13 will be charged $6.00 each, less the 20% discount.
  • Annual dues for clubs have increased from $50 to $100 with a discount of $50 for existing clubs hosting a traditional Event during the fiscal year effective July 1, 2014.
  • A proposed change is to have The American Wanderer sent electronically to clubs and Associate Members beginning 11/2014.
  • YRE/Seasonal events must have a map in addition to written directions.  (This is an old policy that some clubs have overlooked or ignored in the recent past.)
  • The Northwest Regional Conference Registration is open (at Portland State University June 23-28, 2014)  Register at

Old Business

2014 YRE/Seasonals are sanctioned.  Thank you to the Points of Contact for helping out again next year.

2014 AVA Starting Points have been ordered and are promised before Christmas.

DuPont/Hudson Bay Days was a resounding success thanks to all of you.  There was a small article in the Olympian Newspaper.  The Historical Society was happy to have us there.  GREAT JOB EVERYONE. Not everyone was able to attend physically, but I know that they were with us in spirit.  Thank you Marilyn Viola for her emergency contact card idea and Rich Heasty for his computer expertise in getting it done.

Thanks to Ken Grieser for all his hard work.  There were a total of 136 walkers – 90 for credit and 46 free. $337.50 was collected; expenses were $180.00 (after action fees to AVA and ESVA).  Total profit was $147.50.

Break for drawing $12.00 was collected.  Paul Bastin won $6.00 and $6.00 went to the club.

New Business
Increase in price of IVV Record Books Motion was made, seconded and passed to order more Record Books before the price increases to sell to club members and at walks.

Increase in dues to AVA This will not affect us because we host the DuPont event.   There was a discussion about the possibility of offering a guided walk for the Wednesday walking group.

DuPont/Hudson Bay Day

  • Motion was made, seconded and passed to host an Event at this celebration in 2014.
  • Motion was made, seconded and passed to give $100 combined ($50 each) to the DuPont Historical Society and the DuPont Museum.  Diane Wagner will check to see if the money donation would go directly to the Museum and Historical Society or to the City of DuPont.  If it goes to the city we will hold off on the donation until arrangements can be made.

Next meeting of TOTHG will be Sept. 25, 6:30 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary