The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the February 22, 2017 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410-15th Ave. Ct., Federal Way, WA 6:30 p.m.
Call to Order Club president, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Eleven members and 1 guest were present.
Milestones Dorman Batson has completed 30,000 km and 1,900 events!
Minutes of the January 25, 2017 meeting The motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by the secretary.
Treasurer’s report Ken Grieser – $1,000 has been donated to the DuPont Historical Society. Checkbook balance is $4,076.33.
Committee reports
Year round/Seasonal events (number of participants year-to-date)
- Auburn – 10
- DuPont – Town – 25
- Boyhood Memories – 6
- Federal Way – 6
- Kent – Town – 6
- Green River – 4
- Maple Valley – no report
- Seasonal walks Juneau and Ketchikan, Alaska and Lake Fenwick, Federal Way are not open yet.
Membership Marianne Bastin – Club membership is 24.
Sales Alicia Maxcy – No report.
Sickness/Sympathy Joan Grieser – Some cards have been sent.
AVA Report
Henry Rosales, the AVA Executive Director, was at the Ocean Shores event Feb. 18 & 19. Many people attended a round table discussion where he answered questions and talked about the future of AVA. Feelings were generally positive about what AVA is planning. Looking for corporate funding and having another “Big Give” fund raiser are parts of the plan.
ESVA Report
- The next meeting will be the annual meeting in May in Spokane.
- There were two short seminars at the Ocean Shores events: Map making and Treasurers. The goal is for all clubs to use the same program for maps. Consistency of maps and directions will be helpful for event participants.
- The incentive plan for walks was extended until the end of April due to weather.
Break for drawing $12.00 was collected. Guest, John Butts, won the drawing and received $6.00. $6.00 went to the club.
Old Business
- The DuPont event, Aug. 27, has been sanctioned. A new contact has made a suggestion for the start with a huge parking lot nearby. There’s a covered walkway that would make a good starting point.
- No information as yet on a map walk in Tacoma, haunted areas served by the LINK.
New Business
- The AVA convention in June will be held in Billings, Montana. Club is expecting delegate information from AVA soon.
- Concern about the sale of the Weyerhaeuser campus was addressed. Comments on the future use of the property can be made to Debora Hanson, 253-347-4947 or go to org for more information.
- The Victoria Phoenix Walking Festival, B.C. will be held April 21-23. Email: . Website: ca. Register online (a small fee will be charged).
- Bike event participants can now do a minimum of 10km for credit.
- In 2018 event stamps will be changed to make it easy for descriptive information as well as the event # and date to be included. Clubs will have the handles, rubber stamp will be made in house by AVA and sent to clubs.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary
Dates to remember
There are few regular sanctioned events for March. Evergreen Wanderers and Daffodil Valley Volkssport have “MeetUps” during the week and on Saturdays. Visit their websites for more information.
Regular sanctioned events:
March 18 Ruston/Point Defiance, 4+ Foolhardy Folks, park perimeter through woods and trails
March 18 Vancouver guided event, International Wanderers
March 22 TOTHG club meeting, 6:30 p.m.
July 8 Penrose Point State park, Key Peninsula Lions