Sept 26, 2001
Held at Round Table Pizza, Auburn, Washington
Club President Jack Maxcy called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. There were 24 members present.
Minutes of the June meeting were discussed and approved.
Introduction of Guests: New member, Karen Richards, was introduced and welcomed by all.
Correspondence: Jack read from Mt Cheam newsletter, as well as brochures from various walks. One mentioned was the Gulf Shores, AL 2002 walk.
An apparel catalog from New Balance was given to those who wanted one.
A year round walk sponsored by the Emerald City Wanderers will be held on October 13th. It will start at Café Aroma in Shoreline.
Jessie Miller was re-elected to his position as NW Regional Director.
IVV books are running at about a 5 to 8 week backlog. So please be patient.
A note was received from a walker regarding ID. We should always carry ID with us when we are on our walks. Email: Two emails were received from abroad concerning the tragedy of 11 September in New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania.
Treasurers Report: Sandy was not in attendance so Jack gave the account balance as he knew it: Check Book balance is $7,446.30. We will update that when we hear from Sandy.
Committee Reports: Kent YRE, walkers to date: 221 Federal Way YRE, walkers to date: 146 Just a note regarding the start point for the Federal Way YRE: It will have an alternate start point at the Beauty/Barber Shop, Mosquito Bay, as well as the Coffee Grounds. The CG closes at 2pm. The B/B is open till 9pm. The alternative start will be effective the 2nd of January, 2002. Dupont Walk & Bike: 158 and 34 respectively Sales: Alicia has Polo shirts and new walker packets. Membership: Marianne reported that with our new member we now have 77 members and 2 honorary members. Marianne is also making an up to date roster that should be completed by our next meeting. Club Web Page: Check it every so often as Jack posts messages from time to time. Sickness & Sympathy Committee: This is a new position. Joan Grieser has accepted and will carry out duties as needed. Social: Our Summer Social held at the home of Dianne Hall and JP Prizmich on July 14th was a resounding success. The food was great and Dianne took us on a slow and relaxing boat ride around Lake Tapps. Thanks again Dianne and JP.
Checkpoint: The August/September AVA Checkpoint was discussed. A few of the points discussed were: Club Insurance: The AVA has arranged for Clubs to be able to purchase insurance to cover their social events and meetings. A motion was made to table this issue until our October meeting. More information will be sent out with the next issue of Checkpoint. Kay Hartman, Fund Raising Committee Chair, included an item reminding us that October is Walk-A-Thon Month.
Upcoming Dates to remember: Hope, BC will be September 29th and 30th. There may be border delays, so give yourselves plenty of time to reach you destination without any problems. Come to our next meeting with some suggestions for next year’s trip. Walk at Norpoint will be on October 6th. If you wish to purchase a patch, let Jack know tonight. We only ordered 50. Club members pay $4.50 if pre-registered. The trail will be marked on the 5th. Girl Scout Walk on Sunday, October 21st. Next years patch will be used.–the one picked by the committee. Juneau Walk will end on Sunday, September 30th. We will have a new trail next year. Dianne Evans will furnish map and directions. She laid out the new trail in July while in Juneau. We will use this year’s award again next year. We will order 100 more patches. Dupont 2002: All is going well. We will use City Hall as a start point again. We are adding another Porta Potty. We are still looking for ideas for the pin and award.
New Business: We voted as a club to donate $200 to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, and $250 to the AVA.
Please have some suggestions as to where we can hold our Christmas Social this year. Saturday the 8th seems to be the date. But we need a place and time.
This and That: Bill Patten is recovering from surgery and is doing OK. Dixie is in Mexico. Tina and Tim and Tyler will be moving to Oklahoma this December. Bob Hellers is having surgery on Monday.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Our next meeting will be October 24, 2001 at 7pm.
Dauna Perry Secretary, TOTHG