May 22nd 2013 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the May 22, 2013 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 16th
Ave Ct, Federal Way, WA, 6:30 p.m.

Call to Order Meeting was called to order by club president, Diane Wagner at 6:30 p.m.
Seven members and 1 guest were present.

Milestones Pat Patterson has completed his second Centurion Book (100 events each) and Shirley Lindberg has completed her first since Jan. 1!
Awards from the AVA Convention:  Marilyn Viola – 3 years service as Vice President of Daffodil Valley Volkssport.  Rich Heasty received his award at a previous club meeting.

Minutes Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes of the April 24, 2013 meeting as submitted by the secretary.

Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser submitted his report that there is $3,453.47 in the checkbook with no outstanding bills.

Committee Reports
Year-round/Seasonal Events (number of participants year to date)

Auburn/White River – 43
DuPont – Boyhood Memories – no report
Historical – no report
Federal Way – 14
Juneau – no report
Kent – /Downtown/Parks – 34
Green River Trail – 58
Lake Fenwick – 5
Maple Valley – 51
Membership Marianne Bastin reported that there are 39 members.
Sales – Alicia Maxcy has shirts, please contact her prior to a meeting should you wish to purchase a new shirt.

ESVA Meeting May 18, Ellensburg
The walk was nice but windy.
Funding for Remote ESVA YRE/Seasonals was approved in the amount of $200 (10 sanction fees) for walks in counties where no clubs exist.  This is geared to promote the county challenge book offered by ESVA.
The annual budget was approved.
Nancy Wittenberg has resigned as first VP effective 7/1/13.  She begins her duties as AVA NW
Regional Director.
The next meeting will be in Vancouver, WA on July 27, 2013.

Report from the AVA Convention
Officers elected President – Dennis Michele (by 6 votes)
Vice President – Holly Pelking
Secretary – Bonnie Johnson
Treasurer – Bob Morrison

Day 1
Waive the 60 day notice requirement for by-laws  – passed (152/60).
Article XIII Change required vote to approve amendments from a majority to 2/3 vote – failed (110/111).
Article V Remove many officer duties (removed to Policy Manual) – passed
Article IX Change title to focus on the Executive Director; remove some responsibilities; add responsibility emphasizing broader management and leadership responsibilities for the Executive Director – passed.
Article X Add Information Technology as a standing committee – passed (158/53) Various articles related to IVV-Americas will be considered Thursday of convention.

Day 2
Treasurer’s report submitted. Total events holding at 3000.  Growth in YRE/Seasonals is offsetting the decline in traditional events.  Revenue is declining faster than operating expenses (expenses started exceeding revenue in 2011).  Tough decisions will need to be made in incoming NEC.
More talk on the IVV-Americas issue postponed until Friday after more votes cast than credentialed members attending.

Day 3
        Actual vote for officer taken.
The IVV-Americas issue came forward again.  The AVA shall continue working to join IVV-Americas – passed (117/113).  Motions and amendment were withdrawn and the Bylaws Committee withdrew the associated proposed bylaws amendments.  We will hear more in coming weeks/months about how AVA will proceed on the issue.

Old Business
Second traditional event for club in lieu of NW Trek for 2014 Several suggestions were made for different trails.  More suggestions are welcome.  Decision will be made at a later meeting.

New Business
YRE/Seasonals  – It’s time to send in sanctions for 2014.  Consensus of those presence was to keep the events as they are at this time.
Club picnic – Motion was made, seconded and passed to walk our YRE in Auburn and have lunch at the Casino as we did last year. Date to be set later.
2014 Starting Point It’s time to think about ordering.  Cost is unknown.  More information next month.

Meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin

Dates to remember
May 25-26             Ft Casey/Whidby Island – NW Tulip Trekkers (noon start due to low tides)
Ft Flagler/Norland – Kitsap Volkssporters
Jefferson County Fairgrounds/Port Townsend – OPE
June  1                    Bastyr University Walk/Bothell – Interlaken Trailblazers
12 South Hill/Puyallup – Daffodil Valley Volkssport
22 Puget Sound Beach Walk/Shoreline – South Steppers (guided walk)
26 The Over the Hill Gang meeting 6:30 p.m.