June 26th 2013 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the June 25, 2014 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 16th Ave Ct, Federal Way, WA, 6:30 p.m.

Call to Order Diane Wagner, club president, called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  Eleven members and 1 guest were present.

Correspondence An e-mail was received from the Chinese Volkssport Association concerning the 2015 Olympiad.

Minutes of the May 28, 2014 meeting Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by the secretary.

Treasurer’s Report The checkbook balance is $4,037.79.

Committee Reports
Year Round/Seasonal Events (number of participants year to date)

  • Auburn/White River – no report (last month 38)
  • DuPont – Boyhood Memories – 25
    • Historical Town Walk – 43
  • Federal Way – no report (last month 37)
  • Juneau – no report (last month 2)
  • Kent – Downtown – no report (last month 9)
    • Green River Trail – no report (last month 50)
    • Lake Fenwick – no report (last month 8)
  • Maple Valley – 43

Membership Marianne Bastin reported that of the 38 members, 17 have paid dues, 3 have withdrawn, 12 have not been heard from yet, 4 honorary and 2 lifetime members.

Sickness/Sympathy Joan Greiser sent cards to Marilyn Viola and Dorothy Bahr.

ESVA meeting Next meeting is in September.

AVA meeting Nancy Wittenberg, our AVA Regional Director, attended a meeting June 13-14 in Indianapolis.

  1. The next national meeting will be in Salem, OR at the AVA convention.
  2. The body did not recommend approval of two-thirds vote requirement to amend by-law changes.  The by-laws committee will recommend further by-law changes at the Albany, NY meeting in October.
  3. The AVA President will call for a voice vote when only a single candidate is running for an elected position.
  4. Clarification of Regional Director procedures with the addition of consent of nominee in nomination from the floor.
  5. The Motion from Lilac City Volkssport Club was withdrawn.  The motion will be reworked and presented again.
  6. The NEC supported the idea of a Deputy Regional Director.  It will go to the by-law committee for presentation.
  7. The motion to require a fee for delegates to attend regular or special membership AVA meetings failed.  This was aimed primarily at people wanting to attend workshops, etc. without paying for convention costs (primarily to help cover cost of printing materials for workshops).
  8. The motion to provide service pins for service over 20 years failed.  They should get Meritorious or Distinguished Service awards.
  9. The motion to provide an option for those working on distance above 22,000k to use 1,000k books instead of the 3,000/5,000k books passed.
  10. The AVA budget for 7/1/14 through 6/30/15 passed.

Old Business
We are now on the third version of the DuPont walk route.  The first was too short, the second was denied by the City because a portion of the route was on private property.  The third was presented today, with the proof of insurance.  The walk is August 17 and the workers list has been circulated.  We need help at two different check points, Museum and Gazebo, both under cover.

Break for Drawing $12.00 was collected.  Debbie Connell won $6.00 and $6.00 went to club.

New Business
Wednesday Walk for 2015
The directions have not been driven yet.  A start location, hopefully with restrooms and parking needs to be found.  

Club Summer Outing
The club indoor picnic is August 27 when we will meet at the Coyaba Grill at the Muckleshoot Casino at 11:45 a.m.  For those wishing to walk first, we will meet at the Game Farm Park at 9:30 a.m. There will be no regular meeting on the evening of August 27.

Christmas Party Reservations have been made at the Old Country Buffet in Federal Way at 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 10.  For those wishing to make a donation to the Federal Way Food Bank, cash/check allows them better buying power than individuals have.

Meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.

July 23 TOTHG club meeting 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary