September 26th 2012 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the September 26, 2012 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410 – 16th Ave Ct, Federal Way, WA 6:30 p.m.

Call to Order Diane Wagner, president, called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Eleven members were present.

Milestones Events – Rich Heasty/50 Shirley Lindberg/3100
Distance – Rich Heasty/500 km

Minutes of July 25 meeting Correction was made to the spelling of Virginia Crandall’s name. Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by the secretary with correction.

Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser reported that the checkbook balance is $3,361.06 with more to deposit. Points of contact need to get walk numbers to Ken for quarter end. No money has been received from the ESVA for the Regional Conference Event yet.

Committee Reports
Year Round/Seasonal Events (year to date)
Auburn/White River – 40
DuPont – Boyhood Memories – 47
Historical – 43
Federal Way – 39
Juneau – no report (Event over Sept. 30. Event stamp doesn’t need to be mailed back)
Kent – City – 28
Green River – 19
Lake Fenwick – 16
Maple Valley – 72

Membership Marianne Bastin reported that out of our 36 members only one has not been heard from in regard to club dues.

Bob Hellers fell on Aug. 18 and seriously injured his head. He was just released from the hospital the date of this meeting.
It was reported that Dauna Perry has not been well.
A thank you note from the family of Virginia Crandall was read.

ESVA Meeting This will be held on October 6 at Loon Lake (Eastern WA).

AVA Checkpoint The next AVA meeting is Jan 18/19, 2013 in San Antonio, TX.

AVA NW Regional Director 392 Year Round/Seasonal events have been sanctioned in our region. Candidates for AVA office for 2013/2014 are Sam Korff – president, Nancy Wittenberg – NW Regional Director. There have been problems with Group Walks on days when there are regularly sanctioned events. This is discouraged so as not to take away walkers from the clubs hosting events.

Old Business
Northwest Trek The walk was a success. While we didn’t have a large amount of walkers since it was mid-week and very hot, the walkers were happy. Our club earned a Best in the Northwest Ribbon! Thank you all for your hard work. We had 126 walkers, 96 were paid.
A motion was made and seconded to give a donation to NW Trek. Motion was amended to give $100 to NW Trek now before money is received from EVSA. Motion, as amended, was passed.

Regional Conference has been completed. No wrap up meeting information has been received yet. Our walk was successful/uneventful. The other walks not so much with trail problems, lost walkers and a woman bit by a loose dog.

Break for Drawing $11.00 was collected. Paul Bastin won $5.50 and $5.50 went to the club. Lottie Kinney won a Volkssport back pack in a second drawing.

New Business
DuPont The motion was made, seconded and passed to hold the DuPont events on April 6, 2013. (Because of the Easter holiday a later date was chosen.) Diane Wagner will check with the Girl Scout headquarters in Oct. to find out if it would work as a start point for the events.

Christmas Party Suggestion was made to have the party at the Federal Way Old Country Buffet restaurant at 6:30 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 12. Dorothy Bahr volunteered to check with the restaurant for the date. An e-mail will be sent out to get a preliminary head count in hopes of having enough people to get a private room. As in the last several years, donations will be collected for the Federal Way Food Bank.

PEO walks The folding of the PEO club has left open the Weyerhaeuser and Commons Mall walks. There are good points and unknowns for both walks. Diane Wagner will check with the Commons in Federal Way about possible charges.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. An informal discussion about the Northwest Pathfinder publication followed.

Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Bastin, secretary

Dates to remember

Oct. 6 Lilac City/Loon Lake (2 walks)
6 Daffodil Valley/Orting (2 walks)
20 Interlaken Trailblazers/Monroe
24 The Over the Hill Gang Meeting 6:30 p.m.