October 24th 2012 Meeting Minutes

The Over the Hill Gang Volkssport Club
Minutes of the October 24, 2012 meeting
Round Table Pizza, 34410-16th Ave Ct, Federal Way, WA, 6:30 p.m.

Call to order President, Diane Wagner, called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  Thirteen members were present.


  • A thank you letter was received from NW Trek for the donation that the club made following the August event.
  • Member, Paul James, sent the following e-mail note:  “…a big thank you for the donation to my run.  I completed the ½ marathon in 2:25.  I raised $2765 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.”
  • An e-mail was received from Olivia Drury, Event Marketing Representative for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospi
  • tal.  She extended an invitation to join in the St. Jude Give Thanks Walk on November 17 at the Auburn Supermall.  Register at givethankswalk.org.  An informational flyer was passed around.

Minutes of the September 26 meetingA motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as submitted by the secretary.

Treasurer’s Report Ken Grieser submitted the report that the checkbook balance is $3,634.26. 

Committee Reports

Year round/Seasonal Events
            Auburn/White River – no report
             DuPont – Boyhood Memories – no report
                        Historical – no report
             Federal Way – no report
             Juneau – event was over September 30.  Still waiting for final number.
             Kent – City – 1 (October)
                       Green River – no report
                       Lake Fenwick – 3 (October)
            Maple Valley – 75 (YTD)

Membership Marianne Bastin reported that total membership is 35.  That includes 29 paid, 2 lifetime and 4 honorary.  An updated club roster has been e-mailed to the membership.

Sickness/Sympathy Bob Hellers is still recovering from a fall.

ESVA Meeting This was held on October 6 at Loon Lake.  The county challenge was passed, but it is a more relaxed version from the first edition.  It begins 1-1-13 and you may participate without purchasing the patch.  IVV stamps will not go in book for the second edition, it can be written in.  The next meeting is March 2, 2013, in Woodinville.

AVA Meeting No meeting was held.

AVA Regional Director -Sam Korff
          There was a club that posted on an e-mail site requesting that walkers join them at their hosted year-round-event rather than attending the regular sanctioned event.  This did not happen in WA, but we have always encouraged members to attend sanctioned events whenever possible. We understand that this is not always an option.  Sam could impose sanctions against a club if this happens again in the future.

Old Business
After action reports Ken Grieser has completed all WA YRE after action reports.  He is waiting for information from Juneau and will complete that report upon receipt of information.

DuPont The Girl Scout office does not rent their facilities.  Diane has an application for the rental of Chloe Clark School.  The City of DuPont rents the Old City Hall building but there is not enough parking for event participants.

Break for Drawing $13.00 was collected.  Leonard Bahr won $6.50 and $6.50 went to the club.

New Business
The DuPont Historical Society would like to partner with us for a walking event in August in DuPont.  It would be a single event on a Sunday. The Society would include us in all publicity for the Hudson Bay Days which has in the past included newspaper publicity.  The start would be near City Hall (old Ft. Nisqually) and have the Museum as a checkpoint.  There will be a salmon barbeque and hot dogs.  The date would be August 25, 2013.  There would be no charge for the club.
          A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept The DuPont Historical Society’s invitation to host an event in conjunction with the DuPont Hudson Bay Days on August 25, 2013.
   The club discussed whether to have the planned DuPont event on April 6 also.
          A motion was made, seconded and passed to not have the April 6 event in DuPont in 2013. 

There will be no club meeting in November.

Christmas PartyDecember 12, 6:30 p.m. at Old Country Buffet in Federal Way.  Monetary/food donations will be collected for the Federal Way Food Bank.  Thank you to Dorothy Bahr for making a room reservation.  Reminders with directions will be sent out closer to the date.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Marianne Bastin, secretary

Dates to remember

Nov.     10     Vancouver/Vancouver USA (Veterans Day/Parade walk)
              24     Edmonds/Sound Steppers (Turkey Trot)
Dec.      01     Mercer Island/Interlaken Trailblazers (Guided walk)
              08     Olympia/Capitol (Holiday walk)
            12     The Over the Hill Gang Christmas Party 6:30 p.m.